Need Some Support- Very Depressed!

Denise M.
on 4/18/06 1:26 pm - Stone Mountain, GA
Hi All, I have not been around on any support forum simply because I feel as though I am a failure. I feel (Felt) that I had nothing positive to say or anything I could offer and so I have just ben living life. I guess I have felt this way for quite sometime because of all the issues I have had since having my bypass surgery. It has been a hard road for me from the beginning...all of the issues, vomiting, inability to eat, etc...I just had a difficult time from day one. After all of the tests, etc... they told me nothing was wrong...yet I constantly had issues. I felt alone, and felt like I was crazy, so I continued to become more introverted and keep to myself... Now here I am 20 months out...and yesterday, I went to see my surgeon...something I put off since September simply because I was over being poked proded, and examined. He sat me down and matter of factly told me that I am in that 10% that has had an unsuccessful results with their bypass. I was told that in the first 8-12 months, a patient looses 55-70% of their body mass within that timeframe.and, although I have lost 94 lbs, I am only at a 42% weight loss...which means it failed. My surgeon is now suggesting I have to have additional surgery to make this process work correctly. He ha**** me with three options for surgical correction 1. Revision- He does not want to take this route. He said it is too risky and a high chance of leaking 2. Dueodenal Switch- which is more risky but effective 3. Lap Band over the Pouch- more favorable, but permanent fixture which will require multiple adjustments over a lifespan. To say I was in shock is within itself an understatement. I feel really kind of out there and alone. I go back to see the Dr on May 8th...and I just cringe at the thought of additional surgery. I am not sure if there is anyone out here that can remotely understand how I feel??? But I am really upset with this all.. not sure what else to say- Just waiting until 5/8 to see what to do next. Also, on 4/28- Kelli goes back into Egleston for additional exploritorysurgery...please keep us in prayer... Thanks for listening Denise
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