My Dads birthday was...
My Dads birthday was yesterday and I had to work, so I took him to breakfast this morning at a local Diner. While I was sitting there I came to a realization.
I know what is is like to be Fat.
And now I know what it is like to be thin.
And for the first time in my life I know what it is like to be me. I have done things my entire life that will keep the attention off of me as to avoid any one noticing that I was big. I would constantly wonder what people were thinking of me. Now I do things that I want and not what I think others think I should do. The Fat and low self esteem is no longer in the way. Life has changed in such a positive way for me that I thank God every day for blessing me with this opportunity to change my life. To go back to were I was would just be wrong.
God Bless.