You know those twenty question emails that circulate that ask "chocolate or vanilla" or "what's your favorite holiday" so that you can get to know the sender better? Well, I want to do a WLS food related one. Please copy and paste the questions and then answer! We pre-op's would love to know! Short answers, please.
1. What is your favorite protein source post-op?
2. What was your "last meal" pre-op?
3. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being HARD), how hard is it to deal with "head hunger" post op?
4. What do you dump on? (if you dump)
5. If your tastes have changed post-op, how have they changed?
6. If you crave sweets post-op, how do you satiate that craving?
7. What kind of pre-op diet did you have to do? (2 weeks liquid, 1 week liquid, no pre-op diet, etc)
8. How do you handle eating out in restaurants? (what do you order?)
9. Has your spouses/ significant others eating habits changed since your surgery? If so, how?
10. How do you take your vitamins: chewed, swallowed whole, or crushed in food? (post-op question)