Emory Bariatric Patients!!!!
I need info to. I went to Dr Duncans seminar but I am slo going to Emory's on the 4th of May. but when u click on people's bio who had C Daniel Smith some dr out of Mn comes up. I know its not him because I saw his pic on Emory's site. Does anyone know how to link to the reviews for the correct group? Thanks. Also I hear his program is very strict. Meaning? Thanks Group!
If your interested you can check out my profile its pretty self explanitory. I have a time line of how long it took me. While it is not a 1 month turn around for me the wait was crucial for a great surgeon whom knows his stuff. As far as I am concerned. If a doc can see you today and give you surgery next week there may be a problem with him. Just my 2 cents LOL...
I loved my surgeon and the experience had great success in my weightloss and still am 2 yrs out. Now I am not all that fond of the hospital but they took care of me and that is all that matters...