Have you tried this?????

on 4/23/06 11:40 am - columbus, GA
Hi all, First of all I'm doing good. I have lost a 107 pounds and I'm at my goal. Have any of you tried......Acidophilus or Ultimate Flora? It is suppost to be good for your colon.....for reg bm's, helps with gas and with bad breath. Would love to hear from you all about this. Martha
Cynde G.
on 4/24/06 12:24 pm - Stockbridge, GA
Hi Martha, I take acisophilus on a regular basis. It has help tremendously with gas!!!! Thank God!!!!! I have had a terrible time with it, and if I forget to take it, I can tell a difference.
Melissa F.
on 4/26/06 9:30 am - newnan, GA
Cynde Where can you purchase this at??? I think I might want to try it? Melissa
on 4/25/06 2:42 am - Blue Ridge, GA
Hi Martha, I take alfalfa for gas, odor, and iron. Its a wonderful CHEAP iron supplement and is more absorbable. You can get a large bottle from vitacost very reasonable. Acidophilus is good for the normal flora in your body. Eating fresh homemade yogurt is good too. Jen L.
on 4/26/06 10:30 am - columbus, GA
Well I went to Wal-mart today and picked up some Acidophilus....I'll see how it works. Martha
on 4/28/06 8:09 am - Hiawassee, GA
Acidophilus is also great if you are diabetic and get yeast infections and rashs where you sweat. It keeps the flora and funa of the intestions in balance. Hugs, Lynda
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