Tonight's Meet n greet!!!!
Okay guys - We are having our gathering at Joe's Crab Shack in Morrow at 6:30 TONIGHT. The reservation is under "OBESITY HELP SUPPORT GROUP" or just my name - DIANA COLE. I'm so excited to see everyone! I hope there is a good turn out!!! We have friends from as far away as FLORIDA coming to the gathering tonight so I hope you all know these are SO WORTH the time to come!
A B S O L U T E L Y EVERYONE *AND I MEAN EVERYONE* Is invited to come. The more the merrier! I have a few games planned for us to play so bring your game faces!!!
Can't wait to see you all tonight!
Dee Dee
Hi Dee Dee and GA OH folks!!
I am so sorry that I wasn't able to make it to the outting. I was actually in Las Vegas and just got back at 6 this morning. However, the entire family will definitely be there for the May outting to the Renaissance Festival, can't wait to see everyone there.
Talk to you soon