Hubby is HOME!!!!
I just wanted to say thank you to all that kept my husband and my family in your prayers this last year while he was deployed to Iraq. We had a very emotional welcome home late last night. He will have to stay at Ft. Stewart for about a week then he can go home!
He was very shocked to see how much weight I have lost. All he kept doing was looking at me and saying "DA*N BABY!!!" hehehehehehehehe I have lost ALMOST 100 pounds total. I haven't told him about how much weight I had been loosing lately. So I got the reaction I was hoping for~!!!
Again, thank you sweet wonderful folks for all your support! I am so glad that I have ya'll in my life!
Love and bunches of hugs!
THank you Tonya! Yes, we are staying in Perry. If he gets that job, he will have to stay at Ft. Stewart unicompanied for 1 year. But thats not to bad. Atleast we can see each other on the weekends and I can come during the week. He has to come back in 2 weeks to redo the PT test. He failed the running part by 40 seconds this morning. He has a nasty upper resp infection. He said its b/c he is breathing cleaner air, lol Hopefully things will get better and he will be chosen for that job. Just keep him in your prayers. I am just thrilled he is back home!!!