I am approved!
Do you know how excited I am? Actually... I'm not so much excited as I am in awe. Wide-eyed, mouth-agape and saying "wow wow wow" over and over. The first thing I told Stefani (the insurance gal) is that I would LOVE May 19th for a surgery date. Now I am waiting for the NP (nurse practitioner) or PA (physician's assistant) to call me.
Stefani actually sounded super excited when she told me! She's so cute. I told her that this was probably the best part of her job - she agreed and said she LOVES giving the good news! I'm glad it wasn't some anti-climatic, droll, dry, "Ms. Lemke... you've been approved. You'll be called with an appointment date." It was more like a small party over the phone line!
**I've got to get this graduate class FINISHED. Holy procrastination, Batman... I have my major paper due tomorrow and, of course, I haven't started writing it yet (typical of me - reading and research is done... writing is left to the last minute).
**I have got to get my garden going so all I have to do is turn on the sprinklers in the morning after my surgery.
**The swing set for the kids is almost done! All I need to do is paint it. I hung the new swings up this morning.
**Oh - and I need to dig the fish pond. I'm really excited about that! I love to dig in the ground. For some strange reason, digging holes is one of my absolute favorite things to do. It's so therapeutic.
I'm having surgery! Now cross your fingers for May 19th!!!!
*carol does a happy dance*