I had Medicaid for my whole process. I only paid 2 to 3 dollars for my co pays at different Dr.appointments and the mist I paid was for my hospitail which was 12 dollars. So I was on medicaid for low income if that makes any difference. I hope that helps. If you have any more questions please feel free to email me..Good luck and Best wishes...Beth
hey Latoya,
I had to pay a copay of $500.00 and I heard my surgeon has gone up to $1000.00. $2500.00 is really totally outrages (heck, I thought 500.00 was outrages)
I even called medicaid to find out if this kind of 'administrative fee' was legal. They said as long as they tell you upfront it is not 'illegal'....whatever that means... unethical maybe...
best wishes to you,