"Are there any limitations once everything is completed?"
In what sense?
I can eat anything (literally) in moderation. For example, today I hit Burger King drive thru because it was the only food place really near and fast to campus and unhappily discovered they were no longer selling chilli. After 10 seconds of disbelief, I ordered a bacon cheeseburger instead and threw away the top bun, ate 4/5 of the rest of it and threw away the last bite (was full). So if you are asking about food limitations, there is my example. You will find out though that just about EVERYONE has different reactions to the surgery. Some dump all the time, others never do (like me). Some people's tastes change after surgery. Mine did initially, but now I am more or less the same as I was preop.
Best of luck to you!
Kia 5'9"