Neuropathy caused by vitamin deficiencies
Check out this article. It has some interesting information regarding the effects of vitamin deficiencies and neuropathy. The study was conducted mid-80s through 2001, so I am not sure if the RNY surgery was one that was performed, but I believe the information to be valid for us today. I know several WLS patients that are now dealing irreversible damages caused by vitamin deficiencies. The sad thing is that if these patients would have taken their supplements this probably wouldn't have occured.
Supplements are vital to our well being!! It's not an option! I like to think of it this way....I wouldn't leave the house without pants on and I won't leave the house without my supplements either! Also,I am a big advocate of B-12 shots. If your Surgeon won't prescribe them...see your PCP. ANd remember to get your blood work done at least annualy! I personally have mine doen every 6 months and I keep copies in a file to have on-hand to compare.
I'm going to tell you all something - because we haven't been 100% confirmed of the situation - but I'm going to state that this is SUSPICION until it's confirmed......My sister (who has NOT had any type of Weight issues in her life and never had the surgery) is being tested for "Idiopathic Neuropathy from Vitamin Deficiencies." Yes - we think part of this is heriditary - but this is a VERY VERY seious issue. Wether you're pre-op, post-op or even NON op you MUST take some sort of suppliment in your life. I know circulation issues run in both sides of my family and her doctor is running specialized panels to check levels looking MAINLY at the B12 level.
I know very few people in my life (if any) that have eaten 3 balanced meals EVERY SINGLE DAY of their lives. If you're not eating as the food pyramid perscribes then you are NOT getting in 100% of the RDA for your vitamin intake. And with our limited intake of food as post ops it is even MORE important for us to take the suppliments. It shouldn't be a suggestion - it should be MANDATORY. I know many of you were on lots of meds as pre-op and would not go with out them should GLADLY exchange all of those meds for a simple vitamin that will save your life now!
THANK YOU SO MUCH TONYA for posting this information.
I am fighting with this problem right now and I am struggling to recover from it. It is very difficult, for the past week I haven't been able to feel my feet and sometimes walking seems like a chore, so taking your B-12 is a very important factor along with your multi-vitamin. Also, this is what happens when you travel with someone that doesn't believe in eating small meals and you practically starve for three days. I am recovering now, but this information is very necessary.
I have been on vitamins since 1976 when I had surgery for cancer. My doctor was from Viet Nam and he explained to me because of the American diet, some forms of cancer are because of vitamin deficiencies, and he told me to start before the surgery and that I WOULD HAVE TO TAKE THEM for life, since I already had cancer.
A lot of research is going on into this. But now that we have had surgery it is not a choice, IT IS A MUST TOO.