I had to go to the Dr. Yesterday due to having alot of nausa(sp) for over 2 months which is getting worse. I have to be at Atlanta Medical Center Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. to have a gallbladder ultrasound and an Upper GI. The strange part is I'm just having the nausa(sp) and no pain, hmmmm Keep me in your thoughts Friday as I arrive for these test.
Melissa I just had my gallbladder taken 4 weeks ago...
Mine wasnt hurting it was causing nausa and throwing up I had no stones mine was swollen that why dr duncan took mine out... Duncan knows what he is doing ive gone throught everything under the sun with him and I will keep you in my prayers.......
Melissa yeah it was outpatient. It wasnt bad at all. The pain is a little worse than the gastric bypass was but I was back to work in 5 days so it was ok.. Duncan did mine though hes done all 6 of my surgeries I did have complication from the beginning and I trust with all my heart well if you have any other questions just email me
[email protected]
Because the GB surgery is one of the most common surgeries that is done Lap, it is often done as out paitent. I had my GB out last June and the ONLY reason I stayed the night is because my surgery was VERY late in the afternoon (after 6:pm) and my pain level from the packing in the belly button was not able to be controled immediately after I was out of surgery they kept me for observation. I was discharged at 8 am the next morning and back to work 2 days later.
Everyone's symptoms are different as well....I was having severe pain on my right side but had no nausea or vomiting. I also didn't have stones...I had "sludge" which is what a stone is before it turns hard. Once the GB goes bad there is no way to save it.....better to go ahead and get it out!
Let us know what the Doctor says!
Dee Dee