on 3/12/06 10:56 am - PHOENIX, AZ
I just wanted to talk... I'm not feeling so great and my energy level is nil. I have been nauseous all day and during the last bout of vomitting I felt like someone had shocked the crap outta me. All that heaving.... my head was hurting and from my fingertips to my shoulders I had so much pain. My stomach has been rolling all day.... Not like this hasn't happened every day but today was a day that I had to crawl into bed. I wanted to be outside enjoying the day but I laid down and eventually passed out. My hubby doesn't know what else to do... I think I am driving him nuts! Hope you all had a good weekend... its time for bed and I can't sleep. I slept most of the day so I'll probably surf the web for a bit, then read a book.
(deactivated member)
on 3/12/06 11:00 am - Waleska, GA
Maria, Please don't give up! You don't deserve to be miserable. I don't know anything about revisions but I know there are some great people on this board who may. Please call someone tomorrow or go to the E.R. Lorie
on 3/12/06 11:16 am - PHOENIX, AZ
I'm trying not to... I'm just tired and fed up with going to Douglas Co Hospital and being told the same thing. They dope me up and send me home. It's hard to deal with... no one seems to know what to do and the ones that say they know what's up say they can't do anything until its real serious like an obstruction. The last ER visit, the nurse told me to tell the doctor that I was having chest pains on top of everything else and they would have to keep me. I've had 4 emergency surgeries for that and would like to avoid waiting til its that bad! I'm heading to a downtown ER if its not better by the a.m.
(deactivated member)
on 3/12/06 11:17 am - GA
Maria, I would not wait to call anyone tomorrow, but call your surgeon NOW!! There may be something going on that surgeon needs to be aware of. I do not care that it is late Sunday night, call him NOW!! If you are to the point that you passed out, the surgeon needs to be aware. If you cant find your surgeon, please call the nearest ER and tell them what is going on. Norma
on 3/12/06 11:23 am - PHOENIX, AZ
My surgeon left his practice after too many lawsuits in DE. I haven't had much luck finding a surgeon here in the ATL area.... I am gonna head to the ER as soon as I can. Thanks for responding ...have a good night
on 3/12/06 9:19 pm - Dallas, GA
I found myself in a position where I was without my orig. surgeon and no one here in Georgia wanted to touch me. I ended up at Tanner ER for Perf. small bowel. The general surgeon on call that night unoffically advised me to go to the emory chamblee/dunwoody ER, They advertise their state of the art bariatric surg center, he said that he called SEVERAL gastric bypass surgeons who even advertise that they do revision and they all told him to send me back to SC to my original surgeon. I opted to have the general surgeon on call fix me up. I was in to much pain to mess with checking out against med. advice and starting all over in atlanta. I hope this information is helpful. I would recommend that you go to a hosp. with a bariatric surg. on call such as emory. Good Luck
on 3/13/06 1:56 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Thanks for responding... I was told by the ER doctor at Douglas County to go back to Delaware and see my original surgeon. That's not feasible as I can't afford to go back there and the surgeon has moved to another state! I am going to try to go to Atlanta Medical Center's ER... I didn't know that Emory had bariatric specialists... at this point in time, I think whichever is closest will be fine.
on 3/13/06 2:20 am - CANTON, GA
I would go to AMC or Emory. I had my surgery at AMC with Dr. Duncan I am very pleased. The nurse I had I didn't like but it was good hospital. Good Luck and we will be praying for you!
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