Post operation labido problems.
My girlfriend had gastric bypass about 8 months ago. I wasnt sure where else to go and ive seen her on this site so i will ask it here. is a loss in labido a common side effect after having this surgery? It was pretty normal before but now its just dead. And by dead i mean non-existent. I cant realy talk with her about it without feeling like i am pressuring her for sex so i not sure what to do. Is this common? Or are there other problems. Thanks in advance for any help.
My wife and I both had surgery 2 years ago and have done well in keeping the weight off. I have not noticed a decrease of libido for either of us. There is an all men's board out the where you may be able to get more responses about this subject. Check it out:
Hope it helps.
Hi Mike,
I did not suffer that myself, but everyone is different.
In addition to the men's board, there is a "Sex Before and After WLS" board, where sexual questions are the norm...
Warning though, you will get some VERY frank answers!!
Good luck to you and your honey!!