Hi Barb...
I read your response... I saw Dr. Hixon over the summer to see about getting a revision done. I felt like his office was more interested in new patients and they are still calling me asking if I am interested in having the surgery. I told him about all my complications and I don't think he or his nurse heard me.
I'm glad that you are happy with your doctor... I'm still searching for one so I can live at least one pain free day!
Good luck to you!
Hi Maria,
I'm a bit confused with your post, what kind of complications you are having? I cannot imagine, if it has anything to do with the actual bypass surgery him not being concerned and well aware of it. Page him, talk directly to him, not the office staff.
I was checked, and double checked by my PCP before I was even released to Dr. Hixon. I had to have extensive heart test to be sure everything was in perfect shape before undergoing this type of surgery.
I've had a few issues with one of Dr. Hixon office women but he has taken care of the matter.
I feel he is a well qualified surgeon and is very caring. ALWAYS answers his pager calls himself and immediately.
I wish you much luck Maria. Living in pain is not living.
God Bless you on your journey,
Hi Barb...
Well I went to Dr. Hixon because I was referred to him for a revision of my surgery. I spoke with him and yes, he seemed very nice. Then, his office staff ushered me into another room and had me watch a video on the procedure. I informed her that I had had the surgery and was having complications. I had my surgery in 12/98 in Delaware, so I was in need of finding someone to do a revision as my scans showed that my stomach had pockets all over....food was being lodged all over the place and the pain is beyond excruciating at times.
While I was in his office, I was given a packet of information about the surgery and told that I would have to pay out of pocket fees before surgery and I informed the staff that I did not have this and that the reason I was there was because I was having complications, not to have the procedure done. I haven't gone back because I don't have the money to give him. If I did, I would not have been on medicaid.
My insurance would have paid for Dr. Hixon to correct the problems... Now time has passed and my insurance was cancelled because the state says I make too much money and my job offers no insurance.
I can't do much else now except head to the ER when the pain gets too bad.
Oh My gosh Maria!
You poor thing, I cannot even imagine what this all must be like for you.
I would definately head over to Emory ER like someone on the other post had suggested. At least the hospital is bariatric knowledgable. I wonder if Atlanta Med could also help you.
I am not surprised by Hixon's staff.
Honestly, I chose Dr. Hixon because he did accept medicaid, and was very blessed that I had someone who could loan me the co-pay fee. There also was not a waiting period like there was for the other doctor I had contacted. No group seminars and months and months of waiting.
I have heard that other doctors are not good in times of complications, I hate to hear that my doc may be one of them.
I will keep you in my prayers Maria, if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.