on 3/7/06 5:34 am - Atlanta, GA
I have already have had my consultation with my surgeon my psych eval meet with the nurtrisonist and had my blood work done.This process only took about 3 weeks and I thought that this was pretty fast. All the necessary letters and paperwork have been submitted to my surgeons office and now they will submit it to my insurance company (Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield) and this is the part that worriesme the most. Is there anyone out there who has had the surgery using this insurance company? How long did it take for approval? Any information would be greatly appreciated Sincerely, Carolyn
on 3/7/06 8:14 am
Wow - you've done a LOT of the work already.....GREAT JOB! Be paitent. I know easier said than done - but really....the timme will go by quickly! WELCOME to the Ga Board....this is a great group fo people around here! Dee Dee
on 3/7/06 11:08 am - Atlanta, GA
Thank you DeeDee! I look forward to chatting and asking questions
on 3/7/06 12:22 pm - Duluth, GA
Hi Carolyn and WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!! You are moving right along!! (Hope you can join us for dinner Saturday night...refer to the "March get together" posts!) I used BCBS but that was in 2004, but I was approved the first time through (if you don't count a "misplaced application" mishap) Good Luck to you and come and "play" with us more often!!! Tami
on 3/7/06 12:31 pm - Atlanta, GA
Thank you for the information, I really appreciate it!! Talk to you soon!
Dawn Taylor
on 3/7/06 8:26 pm - PORTERDALE, GA
Welcome to oh.. We look forward to helping you throught your journey hold on for the ride of your life......Rember there are no stupid questions when it comes to this surgery so dont afraid to ask... And make sure that you when you go see the surgeon write your questions down before you go see the surgeon.. Its so that you don't forget....
on 3/8/06 3:42 am - Atlanta, GA
Thank you Dawn! I have already meet with Dr. Macik and his staff, everyone was wonderful. I brought my mother with me so that she could learn more about the surgery and she thought everyone was great also!!
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