My date is almost here~!!!!

on 3/6/06 10:54 pm - Newington, GA
I have a date for surgery with Dr. Gooden in Augusta, Ga for March 14, 2004 at University Hospital. I am so excited but extremely nervous. I've wanted this for so long but it seems so surreal to me. I need this surgery as I have diabetes, bad knees, hypethryodism among other things. Please send up prayers and good thoughts for me, they're all appreciated.
on 3/7/06 8:26 am - Buford, GA
Good luck Dotty! You will be in my thoughts and prayers! See you on the "losing" side!!
on 3/7/06 5:05 pm - Newington, GA
Thanks so much, I can sure use them. God Bless~!!
on 3/7/06 12:25 pm - Duluth, GA
GOOD THOUGHTS ON THE WAY DEAR!!!!!!!!! Take care, God Bless!! Tami
on 3/7/06 5:06 pm - Newington, GA
Thanks bunches~!! God Bless~!!
on 3/11/06 9:58 pm - Cleveland, GA
Good luck to you Dotty!!! My surgery is 3/14 at noon with DR. Richard in Gainesville, GA at Lanier Park and also am both nervous and excited! I will be thinking of you and praying for you too. I too need this surgery for the hypertension, high cholesterol, recently tested positive for arthritis, etc, etc, etc. See you on the LOSING side! You'll do fine. DEEP breaths!!! Jenean
on 3/12/06 5:51 pm - Newington, GA
Thanks Jenean, I'll be thinking and praying for you too. We'll be surgery twins. I can't believe tomorrow is the big day for us. You'll do great~!! LOL I'm taking those deep breaths~!!! God Bless, Dotty
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