good morning Dawn,
I was reading your post and the first thing that came to my mind was that you didn't die. There are alot of people who came close to dying either before surgery or during surgery, but some didn't and some did. You are one of the lucky ones and you should be glad of that. I know it is hard to let go of the past. It is hard to get on with your life with the knowledge that you almost didn't have the chance to do anything else with your life, but God has givin you a second chance. He has allowed you to start over and do the things that you didn't get a chance to do before. There is nothing wrong with remembering the past, but don't allow it to consume your life. If you do then your life is over already. Life is more then just breathing, it is about smiles, going places, making friends, making them laugh, and adding good memories in place of the bad ones. God gave us life to enjoy and have fun with it. Wear a silly hat or real ugly shoes. Have fun with your life and help someone enjoy their life who may be getting consumed with the past. REMEMBER "don't let your past dictate your fulture". Dawn I pray that you will take some of these words to heart and move on with your life. God tells us to lay our troubles and worries at His feet and then walk away and let Him take care of them. The same goes for the past, leave it just where it is....behind you. Move forward and up and you will always go in the right direction.
I do not know how much of a religious or spiritual person you might be - but the ONE thing I would think about if I were you was that you DIDN'T were given the strength and perserverance to get through the worst of it and make the best of this. You've done a great thing losing the weight and getting back into shape. I know I don't completely understand how depression works - but know that you did the BEST thing for yourself and MADE IT THROUGH!!!! Maybe its God's way of saying - HEY....I gave you another chance and I really want you to realize how much I want you to be there to be a symbol of my love by sharing your story with those who need to hear it!
Good luck!
Dee Dee
I've had depression a long time; some days are bad and some are good. The best advice I've done, is to take care of yourself. If you're feeling bad, tell yourself you are special because you are here for a purpose that has not been revealed to you yet, because you are still here; then do something nice, pampering, and relaxing that is for YOU; go for a nice long walk in the woods, take a bubble bath (with scents, candles, etc). Curl up in your favorite place with a book you've been wanting to read, anything like that. How about a manicure? I also have relaxation tapes I listen to that have nice soothing music.
Tell yourself you just have to make it through this day, and be proud of yourself for doing so; it's a great accomplishment. Remember, nothing is forever, and this too shall pass.
Hope it helps,