May Get Together (repost)
I wanted to send out a reminder to all that the May gtg will be in Fairburn at the Georgia Renaissance Festival. I know a lot of you have already said you will be there but I ewant to say again that the more we get the merrier the day will be. I can get us discount rates for tix as long as we have a greater than 15 showing, which I don't see as a problem. Prices will be as follows
Adults - $13
Children 6 - 12 $5.50
Children 5 and under are free
I am going to ask that when you know that you will attend, please send the the money for the tix you need so I can get them as a group. IF by chance you don't get to make it then I can refund your money. I'm just not rich and can't afford to buy 15+ tix blindly.
We will be meeting at the front gate at 10:00 AM at which time I will hand out tix to everyone that has purchased. If you don't get your money in you'll be stuck paying full price $16.95 I will be placing a dead line for me to have all monies at April 17th. Please let me know if this doesn't work for you so I can work something out.
This as all get togethers are open for all to join in. I look forward to seeing many of your smiling faces. Any other questions just email me and I'll gladly answer them.