gallbladder surgery postponed

on 2/27/06 6:47 am - 'Jefferson, GA
My surgeon called today with my results from my CT scan of my liver & he found something that he wants to further check before my gallbladder surgery so if he has to do a bioposy he can do it when he does my gallbladder. So I go Thursday for a MRI of my liver. Anyone had any liver problems??? He said he didn't think it was anything to worry about but he wanted to look a little more into it. Now I will worry myself to death until Thursday. Keep me in your prayers. Tammy Gunter
on 2/27/06 11:53 am - Atlanta, GA
Sorry to hear about your liver and gallbladder. I had my gallbladder out 5 years pre-op on a Thurs and was back to work Tues-piece of cake. I felt sooo much better when I woke up from surgery it was amazing, so hang in there. I haven't had any troubles with my liver (yet) I know that Dr. Smith took a biopsy of my liver during my RNY as a baseline because of the slight possibility of developing Steatohepatitis (fatty liver hepatitis), histologically identical to alcoholic disease, liver inflammation occurs in some obese patients after jejunoileal bypass. Not sure the about treatment for this or if you even have this of course, so please keep us posted. Juanita
on 2/27/06 9:30 pm - 'Jefferson, GA
Thanks for the reply Juanita, I'll let you know what i find out. Tammy
on 2/27/06 11:54 am - Duluth, GA
Bummer! I had to have my liver biopsied when I had my WLS.... I had an enlarged liver, and they called it NASH. However, I have since had my liver enzymes checked and they came out ok... Good luck Miss Tammy!! It's gonna be fine.... I'm sure..... Keep us posted!!
on 2/27/06 9:31 pm - 'Jefferson, GA
Thanks for the reply, I'll keep you in my prayers this morning, let me know how it goes. Keep me in your pryaers also. Tammy
on 2/28/06 11:44 am - Smyrna, GA
Tammy.... I had my gall bladder removed 8 years pre op..on a Fri back to work on Tue..but don't pu**** I too had NASH aka fatty liver and my enzymes are in check now.... Take care, Ann
on 3/1/06 6:53 am - 'Jefferson, GA
What is NASH?? Do you have to take medication or anything for it? I go at 9:00 in the morning for the MRI of my liver, but they did tell me today that last week when they did my bloodwork for pre op that my liver enzymes were normal, so that makes me feel better. I just can't get it out of my mind. I guess I worry to much. I am just gonna put it in God's hands & i know I will be fine. Tammy G
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