HELP, major PAINS!

kimberly b
on 2/25/06 10:18 pm - Perry, GA
I am having some major pains. I am almost 6 months out. I woke up yesterday morning feeling like I need to go to the bathroom. About an hour after the bm(sorry, not trying to be gross! This is one area I have never had a problem with) , it felt like someone had punched me in my stomach. Everything I ate or drank sent a sharp shooting pain in my pouch. Even when I took a death breathe, it hurt. I took a tylenol and it seemed to help. I was able to eat and drink last night without any problems. But when I got up again this morning, I am having the same pains again. It seems like as soon as I swallow my food and it hits my pouch, it feels as if its going to explode. I haven't changed my eating habits or added anything new to my diet. I have an appointment tomorrow with my surgeon. I was wondering if anyone else had gone through this and if anyone had any ideas of what could be causing the pain??? Thanks! Kimberly
Dawn Taylor
on 2/26/06 2:47 am - PORTERDALE, GA
Kimberly if I was you I would deffintely would call the soctors office something could be going on.. Call and make an appotiment with dr hobson about this. You know I went for a long time and hurting until I called and made an appointment finding out dr duncan and hobson went and found some adhesions that where reallt bad between my stomach(old one) and liver. So make sure you call.. Dawn
kimberly b
on 2/26/06 7:32 am - Perry, GA
Hi Dawn! I have my appointment in the morning. I am not sure what the pain is, but I can tell you it doesn't feel GOOD. I am glad that I already had my appointment set up. I dont think I could deal with this pain much longer. Its tolerable, but dang, I am so ready for it to be over with! Kimberly
on 2/26/06 3:00 am - Byron, GA
Could be your gallbladder .... Check with your doctor.
kimberly b
on 2/26/06 7:36 am - Perry, GA
Hey! I went on line and checked on the symptoms with the gall bladder. I am not running fever or sick feeling. All it is is a sharp pain mainly when I swallow food or liquid. I have felt "blocked" today. But I am not a nurse or doctor and really do not know much medically, lol so I have no idea. Just thankful I have my appointment in the morning. Thank you ma'am for resonding! Kimberly
on 2/27/06 12:57 am - Byron, GA
I hope you already have your answer by now I just wanted to add that not all gallbladder attacks have the same symptoms - I have heard just about everything under the sun as far as symptoms go! Either way I really hope your doctor figures out the problem and fixes things for you Kia
on 2/26/06 11:32 pm - suwanee, GA
ohhh...Kim...I'm sorry you are in pain... to me it sounds like possible pouchitis (gastritis) and or an ulcer(s). ..I guess by now you already talked to your doctor... Let us know how you are doing. Hope it all be better soon and you get more or less definite answers as to what it was. best of luck to you, Kimmy. hugs, Rita
kimberly b
on 2/27/06 8:03 am - Perry, GA
Hey sweet lady! I just got back from the hospital. I went in for my check up, told Dr about what has been going on. She wrote me a prescription for some prevacid and something to treat an ulcer. She also ordered an upper GI, ultra sounds and blood work. They did not find anything on the ultra sound or the upper GI. So I will start on the meds tonight and hopefully it will take care of everything. I will call back in a few days to follow up on my blood work. I just pray that this works, it makes it extremely painful to swallow food and liquid. Will keep you updated! Hugs!
on 2/28/06 12:58 am - suwanee, GA
How are you feeling today, Kim?
kimberly b
on 2/28/06 1:37 am - Perry, GA
Hello Rita! I am feeling sooooo much better this morning. I took one of the caragate last night before bed and I took a prevacid this morning. About an hour after the prevacid, I was able to eat without having any pains. So I guess that was the problem. I am still feeling some discomfort. I know before surgery I was taking 60mg of prevacid a day. I am wondering if I will need to increase what I am taking now. I will give it a week and see how it does. If its not better, I will call the Dr and ask. Thank you so much for thinking about me! That was mighty nice of you to check in on me! You are such a great person! One of these days we will get to meet! Hugs!
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