Dawn Taylor
on 2/24/06 2:26 am - PORTERDALE, GA
Im looking into becoming an angel if there is anyone out there in intrested in an angel email me.....
on 2/24/06 4:09 am - Tucker, GA
Dawn, Hey!!! Everytime, I try to reply to your e-mails they come back as having fatal errors. I was really hoping to see you last weekend, but couldn't get an e-mail through to you! How have you been doing? You just finished up a move, didn't you? Girl, what is really going on? Drop me a line when you get a chance! Valarie
Dawn Taylor
on 2/24/06 4:20 am - PORTERDALE, GA
New email address [email protected] work number 770-922-3400x 2133. Yeah got moved up. Well I didnt bring all my clothes up yet so I really didnt have nothing real nice to wear. Well had surgery 3 weeks ago go nexted thursay for check up. Gallbladder removal and more adhesions removed fun but the belly button doesnt want to heal. You know my damn luck for everything goes bad but im ok other then that not in pain anymore so thats good dr duncan said I better not come back or he was going to kill me hahaha he is the best he said he hated that ive gone throught so much. Im coming to nexted months support group keep in touch
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