Hey Dawn,
Sorry to hear you feel so lousy, I had it 2 weeks ago so I can definately feel your pain.
I was told any tylenol product was fine so I used the tylenol cold and flu liquid. It was horrible but it really helped with the symptoms.
Thank God it only lasted 3 days.
Wishing you a quick recovery,
I tried to "heal myself" with over the counter remedies, but after chills/fever for 3-4 days I opted to go to doctor. I was given the Zpack antibiotic and a sample bottle of nasalcort nose spray. The cortisone sprays can lead to slowing down of weight loss as I understand it, but I only used it 3-4 days. I couldn't BREATHE! Haha! Actually, I lost about 6 extra pounds while I was sick....I'm 18 months out...down 156 and had stayed at 150 for the last couple of months. I also had started walking first of the year as well.
Hope you feel better!