March get together
ok---that's 2 weeks from this saturday, right? Melissa, I can probably work it out for us to ride together---I'll not be in the Hooptie by then anyway, I hope. I doubt that I'll go out afterwards, as my honey has to work and I'd rather wait and get my groove on when he can come too! As for you, Marty----SHAME ON YOU!!! nasty man.....get ya darn head out the gutter!
Hope to see you all soon.
Sorry I missed your call yesterday, Melissa, I'll call you tonight or tomorrow- If I've not by Saturday, call me back, K?
See ya
Ok girl, we can drive my car, if you want, if you'll drive up. Hopefully I'll see you tonight thats if Eric does come to get you, but if not I'll cal you back Saturday if you haven't called me. I just remembered lol you might wanna drive your car, mine hasn't ever been smoked in, lol I'll give you gas money tho.
I enjoyed our February get together at Loco Luna. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again March 11 at Scalini's.
I hope more of our WINGS friends will join us. I will try to get the word out.
Lori, thank you for arranging the March get together for us.
Best Wishes,
Curtis Green
[email protected]