on 2/20/06 4:22 am - Milledgeville, GA
Hi my name is Renee Brooks. I live in Macon GA and I have been trying to find a good bariatric surgeon in my area who will take Medicare. I dont have it yet, but it will begin in July of 06. The answers I am getting from every corner I turn are that most of the docs dont take medicare or the ones that do require me to loose a certain amount of weight before they will even talk to me. I would love to comply with all of this if it were a normal situation but my health is so bad now that It would be really hard to try and go on a major diet to do this as I cannot even move right now. I am nearly immobile, (read my profile my name on it is RNEY) and if I could not get the weight off when I had a life I certainly cannot get it off now. I am really sick and in need of help pretty badly. If anyone of you out there knows of good docs that may talk to me please get in touch with me okay? Thanks alot......Renee Brooks.......
Dawn Taylor
on 2/20/06 5:26 am - PORTERDALE, GA
How far are you willing to travel is the question on a great and fantastic dt titus duncan in atlanta

on 2/20/06 9:09 am - Milledgeville, GA
Thanks dawn I appreciate the info I am willing to travel in the confines of ga if I could find a good doc. Everyone has been a great help to me and I thank you all for the out pour of sincere help...Have a great day tomorrow dear.....God bless you.......Renee brooks
on 2/20/06 5:38 am - Fayetteville, GA
hey Renee! I went to Dr. Duncan and he is a wonderful doctor...but for people with a BMI higher than 50....he wont do the surgery. I went and was told that I needed to lose quite abit of weight before I could have the surgery, about 100 pounds. He did recommend Dr. Burrowes just down the hall from Dr. Duncan and he takes all high BMI's and has no weight limit. He also is a wonderful doctor and very well qualified. Good Luck, Stephanie

on 2/20/06 8:38 am - Milledgeville, GA
Hi Stephanie, Thank you so very much for the info, I had spoke to Dr Duncans nurse and you are right he is one of the docs that said I would have to loose weight first, and as you can see my BMI is 70 plus....thanks again for the info I really do appreciate it sweety.........I am gonna check out Dr Burrows......
on 2/20/06 8:53 am - Hiawassee, GA
Dr. Duncan and Dr. Hobson does do surgery on people with a BMI over 50, I know, my BMI was over 53 when he did my surgery on Jan. 9th, 2006. They are on this web site and they are great surgeons. Please don't let people tell you that they will not do the surgery, the next meeting is 5:30pm on Feb 28th at the Wellness Center in Atlanta, if I were you I would try and make it to the seminar and they will answer all your questions. Only they can tell you that they do not do surgery, or do surgery. Good luck, Lynda

on 2/20/06 9:06 am - Milledgeville, GA
Thanks dear I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out on this one, yes I have spoke to dr duncans nurse and she told me I will have to loose alot of weight before he will talk to me as my bmi is over 70 now. I would love to go to the meeting in atlanta but I am homebound and getting out of the house is nearly impossible for me. I also have no transportation. I thank you so much. When I do get to go out I have to have an army of people to push me in a wheelchair as I cannot walk anymore.......I thank you again.......God bless you renee brooks
on 2/20/06 6:55 am - Macon, GA
Hi Neighbor! Great to meet you! You have mail Barb
on 2/20/06 12:45 pm - Acworth, GA
Renee, Although he's not in GA, Dr. Robert Rutledge, who developed the Mini Gastric Bypass, takes Medicare. Although he works out of Las Vegas now (I had my surgery in North Carolina), I would advise you to at least check this out. Go to for info. I have lost over 200 pounds and am VERY pleased with my results. Sandy

on 2/20/06 6:39 pm - Milledgeville, GA
Hi sandy thank you sweety for the info, I will check out dr rutledge. I am hoping with your help and everyone who has responded to me that maybe I can get past all these brick walls that I have been running into. I know that gsb is not a cure but only a tool to be used in helping myself to loose this weight. I know there is no magic pill to make it come off and stay off and that I will have to change my whole life the way I eat and everything once I am out of the hospital. I am willing to do all of this as I know if I dont do something really soon I will die an early death. I am now at the point that breathing is a chore for me. I can hardly get from one point to the other. I live in a small house and never get to see the outside and I May take 15 steps a day......I thank you again for your love and for helping me.......If I could hug all of you guys I would do so....I pray that you will be blessed in life. Thanks again......... Renee brooks.......
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