Gallbladder & gallstones ??????

on 2/16/06 12:35 am - 'Jefferson, GA
I had a stomach attack Tuesday night & ended up in the ER, come to find out it is my gallbladder & I have gallstones also, one is in the tube. ( what ever that means), so I go next Tuesday to see a surgeon. Any suggestions on what to eat & what not to eat? I am suppose to go out of town this weekend but I'm not sure if I feel like it or not. Seems like everything I eat goes right through me & I am sick to mu stomach after I eat. Help..... Tammy Gunter
Bonnie G.
on 2/16/06 1:04 am - atlanta, GA
I had my gallbladder removed 4 years ago. Fatty foods are what sets off attacks so stay away from those. The surgery is a breeze. I was on a cruise 4 days later. Best of luck!
on 2/16/06 1:29 am - 'Jefferson, GA
Thanks Bonnie. I haven't had any fatty foods. Everything I eat makes me sick at my stomach & I have diaharreah, & have to lie down. This has been the worst pain I've had in a long time.
Bonnie G.
on 2/16/06 1:33 am - atlanta, GA
I never had diaharreah with mine just severe pain. You will feel so much better once you get it out.
on 2/16/06 4:05 am - McDonough, GA
I had to get my gallbladder removed one month ago. Every time I would eat or drink I would hurt so bad. You can read my last few posts on my Profile... it explains how I was feeling and what the surgery was like! I had the surgery at 8 am and was home by 11 am! Out of work for a week! I actually had a bad attack before Christmas but didn't get my gallbladder taken out until mid January. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and was o.k. ~ I just stayed away from fatty foods and spicey foods! Good Luck to you hun! ~ Jennifer Wright ~
on 2/16/06 8:52 am - Butler, Ga
Tammy, Much like you I could not hold anything down, not even liquids. I had mine out in Dec., and went to clinicals the next week. However, I was so sick and dehydrated that I was in the hospital for 5 days. I was literally fine one minute and doubled over in pain the next. I also had a huge stone in my bile duct. I think this is the difference in us and the ones who could tolerate some foods. If the bile duct is blocked, nothing is going through. I hope that you get it out and are doing better soon. You can email me if you have any questions. Just so happens that we have been studying this very thing in my nursing class. Feel better. Tonya Waters
on 2/16/06 9:10 am - 'Jefferson, GA
Thanks Jennifer & Tonya, I hope to get mine out one day next week. I just feel awful, the only thing that makes me feel ok is Phenergan (spelled wrong) & it puts me to sleep. I'll keep you all updated. Tammy
Susan Bertrand
on 2/16/06 10:35 am - Jacksonville, FL
Hi Tammy, I am going tomorrow for a gallbladder ultrasound, a KUB xray, and an upper GI. I have, for the last 2 weeks, been hurting everytime I eat or drink anything. Never getting nauseated or throwing up, only a severe pain between the tip of my sternum, and my belly button. It lasts about an hour and a half, then goes away. I am also gonna be scoped on monday to check for a stricture. Thats what I am hoping for... I know it sounds weird to hope for a stricture, but that will involve the smallest amount of down time. They can stretch it back open while they are scoping me, and I will be fine to go back to work the next day. I reckon if it turns out to be my gallbladder, I will be having surgery next week too... Good Luck to us both!!! BTW, you did spell phenergan correctly Hugs, Susan
on 2/17/06 12:30 am - 'Jefferson, GA
I will keep you in my thoughts also Susan, let me know what you find out. Tammy
on 2/18/06 12:02 am - Duluth, GA
Hey are we gonna be surgery buds?? I am having my gb out on the 28th!
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