KayKay had her baby!!!

on 2/15/06 11:32 pm - CANTON, GA
Kay had her baby at 8:30 after 18 hours of labor! He weighs 9lbs and is 20 inchs long! No wonder she was miserable! I will email some pics to DeeDee.
on 2/16/06 12:08 am
I just spoke to Kay - she's in good spirits. Says she sore but doing well. She won't be able to make it to this month's function - but promises to try to get to next month!!! She's trying to get Jonas to wake up so she can get some good pictures. I will ask her if I can post some for everyone to see! YEAH - the baby's here!!!! Dee Dee
on 2/17/06 11:49 am - Duluth, GA
OH MY GOODNESS!! I go out of town for a short trip and look at all that goes on!!! CONGRATS TO KAY!!!! I hope to talk to her soon! Tami
on 2/16/06 12:16 am - Clarkesville, GA
I swear I was just thinking about her this morning about the time that she was having him, I'm so happy that he is here and they are both o.K., I just bought him something else at the store lastnight, I can't resist baby stuff, we should try to give her a shower or something. If anyone talks to her tell her I said hello and congratulations!! ~rachel~
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