IUD insertion doesn't have to hurt
It seems like IUD's are popular among WLS surgery ladies, myself included. Before I got mine, I was doing research and found out there is a local anesthetic called a para-cervical block that can be administered by your doc prior to insertion of the IUD. It didn't hurt at all, the block or insertion. Of course, my sweet little doc tried to convince me that, "it will only take a minute to insert this, you won't need a block." I wasn't taking no for an answer & thank goodness too, because I ended up having to have my cervix dilated to complete the insertion due to cervical stenosis-I haven't had any children. About 1 month after I got it, my IUD slipped down and turned sideways. I had it turned around and put back into place without the block just to see if I was being a wuss-YOUCH!!!!!!-nope it hurt
I don't know why the block isn't offered out of courtesy, but ask and you shall receive.

Gotta say, the IUD insertion hurt like H*LL! I was surprised. I guess I hadn't done enough homework. I really wasn't expecting it to hurt. And, I had cramps for about 2 days afterwards. I had cramps like I used to when I was a teenager. I just wanted to curl up with a heating pad. But, now, one week after having it inserted, no pain. I think I made a very good and responsible decision. I wish I had known about the anethesia!