My WOW momment!
Last Thursday evening, I took my youngest shopping for a dress for her Valentines Dance. We went into several stores before we found something that was (in her words) JUST RIGHT! When we were done, I strolled over to the plus size area looking at shirts. My daughter walked up and said, "Mommy, you too "little" for these clothes!" I couldn't believe it! She was absolutely right! Its just out of habit to always walk straight to the plus size section when looking at clothes, lol I guess I need to make a mental note not to go into that area anymore, lol
As of last night, I have lost a total of 75lbs and 62 inches total! I did buy a pair of jeans size 12 figuring I will be able to wear them next month. I tried them on this afternoon and they fit PERFECTLY! I am still in total awe. I am so glad that I made the decision to have the surgery. It has really turned my life around!
Thanks for letting me share!
Kimmy, I can relate.
I still head to plus sizes out of a habit to check things out. And my hubby always jokes about it : "You think you are petite already, don't you?" ( you know how petite section is right next to plus sizes usually.
No, no petite here ever since I'm over 5'7'', but I'm too very proud to own one pair of jeans and Ralph Lauren skirt in size 12....they fit well.... even though I don't truly consider myself to be a size 12 just yet...
...and the other day I did something silly as I organized my son's closet, I was about to get rid of his last season soccer shirts (he's 9 , although chubby)... anyway, I tried them on.... well, no soccer playing in them for me, but my hubby found them to be very sexy...
. I was able to move and breth freely in them..
Forgive me for rambling on and on....
but since we were on the subject of takes me forever to shop now...I don't know where anything is anymore, always hesitant about whether something "this small will fit"... it's whole new game.... but it's fun..
And Kim, all I wanted to say when I started is "congrats on your WOW moment". I'm just suffering from logorrhea today.
hugs, Rita

Rita its always wonderful hearing from you! My daughter who is 13 wanted t go shopping with the money and gift cards she got for her birthday the other day. So since we were in Macon for a dr appointment, we went on over to the mall that afternoon. now she is really into Hollister and American Eagle. i have never really shopped in either. Well, while she was looking around, she found some really cute shirts for me. i was hesitant to buy anything, but I did. I was shocked that they actually fit me! I have never really been one on fashion. But with her help, she says she is gonna have one stylish mama! lol
Its going to be a trip when my hubby gets home. He has been working out alot and from what I hear, he is nothing but a huge muscle! lol He is going to come home to a new tiny wife and I am getting a new Hulk of a husband! Oh boy I cant wait! hahahahaha
I went to my mothers house last night and raided her closet. She is in a size 6, so I took all of her size 10 b/c I know it wont be long before I am in them!
It was good hearing from you! Keep in touch with me!