9 months post-op.....
Great job Tammy! We must have had our surgery around the same time, your date wasn't on your message but I'm about to be 9 months too!
You've done a terrific job. I'd love to see your smiling skinny self, if you can get a picture on your computer you just have to mail it to [email protected]
Best wishes for continued success!!
Thanks Barb, you look wonderful also. My surgery was May 2,2005.
I started out at 264lbs & I am down to 144-145. I hope to get down to 130.
Have you had any trouble with constipation? I am. I haven't been to the bathroom in about 3 or 4 days now & feel awful. My stomach feels like i have gained but I know it is because I haven't been to the bathroom. Any suggestions? I have been taking stool softners & last night I took milk of magnesia & still didn't help.
Keep up the good work. I will do my best to get a before & after photo online soon.
Tammy Gunter
Hi Hon,
Constipated is my middle name. I always have to use something. Have you taken the maximum dose of milk of magnesia? I think its 4 tablespoons. I get no help from anything less. Same with stool softners, I have to use the maximum dose for them to work.
There is also ducolax, not the oral kind but a suppository. That always helps me too. I try and switch them around so I don't get completely dependant on them.
My doc said its from not enough water but what can ya do. There is only so much room in my pouch, and I either get fluids or protein and I have worked harder on getting the protein in. (of course it doesn't help my constipation to be eating cheese 5 times day!)
Good luck sweetie, if you don't get relief from a maximum dose tonight I would think it warrants a call to the doc. I always think if ya can't poop there might be an intestinal blockage or a twisted colon. Two bad things that can happen with our surgery.
Now wasn't I a sunny ray of sunshine?!?
Sorry Tammy, just be sure to take of you!
Lets keep in touch and keep pulling for each other... may baby!

Thanks for the info, I will do 4 Tbsp. tonight. So how bad id the intestinal blockage or twisted colon? Can it be fixed?
I'd love to stay in touch. Anytime you need me I'll be here.
here is my e-mail address - [email protected]
Thanks, Tammy
Hi Tammy,
If someone developes a blockage or twist in their intestines it requires emergency surgery, it is very serious but is completely fixable if caught in time. The longer you wait the more intestines die and more has to be removed. If it gets too serious the patient ends up with a colostomy (the bag on the side which all the waste goes into) I have heard it is very painful. And I am only guessing that severe, not relievable constipation to be one of the signs because the stool cannot pass through.
My nutritionist and surgeon had both told me that this does sometimes happen to gastric bypass patients. And I know 2 people who have developed this but their's was caught in time and fixed with surgery.
Hey, if you're going to be close to home today, I wouldn't wait till tonight to take the m.o.m. It should work in 4-6 hours. I know I feel crappy (no pun intended) all over when I am constipated.
My email is [email protected]. I am always here
love, Barb

I finally went & didn't have to take any m.o.m, I had 1 cup of cereal & some milk & went within 30 minutes. Then my stomach was tore up, but I feel so much better. Do you think I am ok now? The blockage thing has had me scared. I guess if I go tomorrow to then everything is fine. Thanks for the help Barb.