Insurance Language
Greetings everyone! I finally got the requirements from the Great West.
Need some help on the following language:
Obesity duration greater than 5 years with review of weight management for at least the preceding 2.
I know that my obesity has bee documented my entire life including the past 5 years, but what the heck is a review of weight management????
There is also a 6 month dr supervised weight loss stipulation (w/ behavioral modification program). What is considered a behavioral modification program???
Mary Alice
The stupid ins wants a list of all diets you have been on and how much weight loss/gain was there. Behavioral modifcation program means you wite down every thing you eat with values in a log and reveiw it with your doctor and let him/her try to help teach you how to eat and change any bad habits you may have now before you have surgery so it is not so hard later to make lifestyle changes you will have to do. remember that the surgery is only a tool that can be used or abused.