Extra skin pictures
For those of you who wonder what folks really look like with the excess skin after weight loss, I had hubby snap 2 of me to post. *see my profile*
Sorry guys the goods are blacked out
This was for folks who are considering surgery to get an honest view of what you could look like. I have been told by others that my excess skin is not all that bad (and I agree - I am ok with it any day vs. what I used to be) just know that you can have more skin. There are just not very many profiles with after shots posted that have not been already fixed via plastic surgery. Some day when I have plastics done I will post those too (wink) but until then, here you go lol.
Kia 5'9"

Thank you...as I'm trying to decide whether to do this or not that's been one of my concerns. Obviously the excess skin is better then the actual fat....but I was concerned about the scars and the extra skin. Since I have about 150 lbs to lose...that's a lot of extra me. You look great and it gives me an idea of what I'll be dealing with.