I love you, Secret Pal
What a special person you are! I cannot wait to know you better (when I find out who you are
I recieved my throw a few days after I had posted about my magazines and forgot to repost on the board. I am so sorry but I thank you with all my heart. Its a beautiful silvery kinda blue and perfect for when I'm sitting here on these cold mornings and evenings!
I have definately been blessed to have you in my life!
love, Barb

How wonderfully generous! That is awesome! I am so glad that the secret pal program is working out so well this time. SOrry to say but I was relaly disappointed with how it turned out last year. I hope it continues and maybe I can jump in next go round.
How are you doing? Haven't seen you in a month of Sundays? Can't wait to see that new bod of yours.

Hey Lady,
I was just thinking how great it was to see you posting again!
I am doing ok. Still alot of food issues, doc said it may be a bit of a stricture but I am on meds right now and waiting it out. I'm only getting in 400-5-- calories a day, my pouch seems to be really small.
But I am down 121 pounds.. yipee
I have posted a few pictures on my profile so check it out when you get the chance.
I've really been wanting to get my rear to support meetings but I don't like to make the drive alone and I'm afraid Dave finds it, umm... boring
Anyway, how is married life treating you? Keep in touch ok Tonya? Its nice to have a partner in crime who knows what you're going through!
Hope to see you soon.

Wow Barb! I just looked at your profile! You look GREAT!! Big hugs to you! How's the stricutre meds working? I hope they clear it up so that you don't have to have a scope, but if you do, at least you'd get the stomas opened up so that the problems will clear up.
I promise to keep in touch!