Check this article out from Reuters News....
Get those tix to Australia ready ! LOL!
A weekend with four men - priceless?
Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:42 AM ET
CANBERRA (Reuters) - How much would you pay for a weekend with four Aussie men, a barbeque and a few beers?
How about A$16 million ($12 million)?
That was one bid on an eBay online auction of "A weekend with four blokes in Sydney," but it was not genuine and canceled.
While multi-million dollar bids have turned out to be fake, the current value of the company of these entrepreneurial young men stands at a healthy A$61,101 ($45,940).
"We won't fly you here. Heck, we won't even pay for your bus fare. What we WILL do is guarantee you some beers, some snags, some good conversation and a hell of a lot of laughs," the men said in their sales pitch on eBay.
The blokes, who have received 105 bids and more than 200 emails since the 10-day auction started on January 25, are offering themselves for the weekend of February 18-19 and are even promising a possible international guest.
"It's easier than chatting to randoms in a pub and you know we'll be your friend from the moment you arrive til the moment you leave. That's our promise to you!" they said.