With the commercial running now for l.A. Weightloss where this girl says, I couldn't even fit in a size 14, I use to be 20lbs. Heavier and I can't believe my f'iance fell in love with me at that weight....I just want to slap her!! I am just now in a 14, and I don't thing that's so........Huge, these weight loss commercials really **** me off!!! What about ya'll???
You tell it sister. I just plain ol hate those commercials. Every single one where they are as big as a toothpick already now they are a splinter. LOL And life has been so hard for them well boo hoo. Try walking in our shoes for a while and see the reaction. Well jsut want to give my two cents worth. Love to vent...Beth
The one who went from a 10 to a 4 REALLY ****** me off....I've worked LITERALLY my ass off to finally FINALLY get to a 10 - from a freaking 32!!!!!!!!! Bite my RIGHT is all I have to say!
I know how small a 10 really is....she must be sickly looking to be that small!!!! I know I'm at least healthy looking!!!
WE know that the majority of the people who use those diets aren't going to keep the weight off - and the ones on the commercials now have the $$$ to pay someone to help them keep it off!!!
Hey there my Chickadee! I see you have fallen into that mind trap that I have had to dig myself out of before. We have to ignore the little twits on t.v. because we can't all be a cookie cutter size 4. We all have different heights, body types, and body compositions. Short, tiny framed people can look great at a size 4, but a 5'11" big-framed chick like me would look awful that size. Look into the mirror and see only yourself. You are looking GORGEOUS!!! Seriously!!! That flowing blond hair and beautiful smile. I'm so jealous!!! We gotta aim for healthy and athletic, not sickly and skinny. We are big girls and that is something that no amount of weightloss will change. I catch myself getting discouraged because I am a 14 on top and more like a 18-20 on the bottom. I have to remind myself that I am going to have all this skin cut off this fall and that will make all the difference in the world. We are "works in progress", so keep your chin up! Turn off that boob tube, bring your size 14 hiney to Savannah, and let's go party!!! Love Ya!
Don't be upset, annoyed and angry at the media, "cold radiators" (my DH name for skinny girls
) or commercial establishments that make $$ of people's incurable desire to perfect themselves.
Just learn to love yourself.....the way you are. I challenge you...And I bet it's much harder than just going from Plus-size to Junior's. There are true beauties in size 18-20 and above and ugly young girls in coveted size 4-6. And I'm not talking about clishe "inner beauty"... that's whole another story.
Yes, I wanted to loose weight to look a bit better.... but that was NOT my main reason to have WLS for most folks here....
And yes, I have more attention being size 12-14 now than I had being 20-22 six mo. ago....... but screw that attention from other people....pardon me.... my opinion of myself has not changed with my size changed...I never thought of myself as beauty queen, but always as of an attractive woman. ... and will continue to do so, and no flab of my own or PR dude from LA weightloss is going to get under my skin....
hey... look at that girl glow.... and another one's smile... or maybe the way she holds her head and has perfect posture.....
luv, ya'll