Finally down -350lbs in 20 months!
Well actually today it's 351 pounds I've lost and it's been exactly 20 months post RNY.
My life has complete changed, I know I will never be the same person again. Many people would say I've been through a lot and I do agree, but I'm a firm believer that we are all given burdens or trials in our life to overcome. This has been one of my biggest battles since I was age 8 and it feels good for once in my life that I'M IN CONTROL. The surgery to many people is a wake up call and for me that's exactly what it did. My portion control was WAY out of hand and thanks to this surgery it's become a realization that I DID HAVE A PROBLEM. I was also not educated enough in understanding what my body needed.
There is not one day that doesn't pass by that I'm thankful I had this surgery, just over 20 months ago I was in the depths of depression/dispair/hopelessness. There were so many times I wanted to just give up. It was easier to give up. Often times I would pray at night that I would not wake up again, I was living a life to me that was in no other term was HELL. My family was going out having fun, doing things and here I was wasting away behind my "safehaven" (my home). I was afraid to face people and made up many excuses not to be involved in living. Then one day I realized I wasn't making up excuses anymore, I had literally become this over 600 pound homebound person, who was now trapped in a body I had made. All because my depression took over me, I had reasons to live, but it became easier to push life/stress away, so food and being a hermit became who I was. To be honest I was happy at this point because I didn't have to face my problems or people. It had become so much easier to sit there and not have to face these things. I was to one point happy with where I was, but on the other hand unhappy because my life was no more beyond those 4 walls. I wanted to be part of living again. So I took charge and for the many months following up to getting my surgery that was night and day my constant goal. I did everything I could think of to get to the point of being able to live again.
I'm just so happy to say that I'm able now from this surgery to do just that. I have a job I LOVE, I can walk to my mailbox again, I can drive a car, I can walk to any store I want to, I can buy clothes again (not from speciality stores), I can clean my house, just to get up from the couch and not feel like I'm dying! My relationship with my husband is out of this world, we are so in love even more than the day we met 11 year ago. It's truly a miracle what's happened in my life.
My words of wisdom to anyone who is struggling to lose any weight is NEVER give up. I could have so easily done so, but I didn't. I got the goal in mind and I did it. I've done it. My goal was to be heathly, active and living life. So that one goal has been met. I've got many more goals in my life I want to accomplish and now I know I WILL.
You can see my recent photos on my profile or visit my site.
-351 pounds
This is something I often get emails about on what I did to lose my weight, so I'm reposting it here.
What's worked for me? By: Amy Williams
We read about it all the time people feeling like they have got off track, so I think for those having those problems try reverting back to memories of what life was like X number of weeks, months, years ago. That alone should motivate us to be the best. We can all be successful at this. It's all about being healthy and happy. Be happy with yourself, remember who you once were health wise, and make good choices.
What I do: Besides the regular stuff
(Water, Protein and Exercise (key thing), I also do the following.
1. Make small goals (example: first 50 pounds, get under 400,300,200 etc)
most importantly is not the number but WHAT you can do now....
Tie my shoes, swim, walk....etc
2. Keep a journal
When you read back you can see how far you've come! This has helped me so much. I'll read back on a sad day or I'll remember something I did for the first time and relive the joy all over again.
3. Take pictures!
As much as you hate seeing yourself in the beginning pictures are VERY important, this is also a reminder of who you once where.
4. When it comes to the evil scale....
I weight ONLY once a week. If you become a scale slave you will torture yourself with ups and downs.
5. Plateaus DO happen...
When you have a plateau don't beat yourself up over it. Keep on track and don't get depressed. What will depression do for most of us? We want to eat! BAD BAD BAD!
6. Do NOT compare yourself to others
We are all different. Our bodies work differently after surgery, it doesn't matter if so and so is losing faster than you, in the end we all catch up.
7. Don't kill yourself over having a cookie, a few chips, a CARB....etc
Ok so you've made a mistake in your book, I don't look at it this way, this is where relearning comes from. It's not really a cookie, it's the amount, we have to relearn what our limits are, I'm not going to get upset because I ate a cookie, I make adjustments in my diet to allow for something special if I want it and feel good with myself knowing when to stop!
8.Always always follow what YOUR surgeon/nutritionist told you.
It's wonderful to get advise from those who've lived it, but our surgeon/nutritionist knows what's best for US. Even those who go to the same surgeon/nutritionist can get different advice. Example: What one person's weight calories wise requires another person might need more or less calories.
9. Attend support groups!
Why you might ask? It gives you a comfort zone and a place to know you are NOT alone, there are others struggling. You learn good information and for me it's keep me motivated to do even better.
10.Be happy with yourself.
For some of us that might mean having to see a therapist. Sometimes we can't work thru issues on our own and need the additional support, if you are post op and find yourself extremely depressed, it might not be the surgery it might be you are not happy with you. For you to be more successful you have to know YOU ARE WORTH IT.
Anyway's these are things that have worked for me and thought I'd share them with you. They help me each day.

I can honestly say that this journey has been amazing hanig you as an insporation through the whole way. I'm so happy for your accomplishments that this journey has brought to you.
You Look simply AMAZING. There is no other way to put it! You should be extrodinarily proud of all you've done...not just for yourself but for so many others.
and admiration!
Dee Dee