I went for my 2 week Post-op today and I lost 16.5 lbs, with the 14.5 lbs I lost before surgery that is a grand total of 30 lbs of F-A-T gone.
I am so happy, I thought I would have lost less because of my age(60) but I guess I am doing every thing alright, because the doc said that was great, and I am getting in my vitties, and stuff, and getting in 100g of protien.
But I feel stuffed all of the time. If the weight is coming off I am happy.
Thanks for all of the support and prayers.
Hope to get to meet some you one day at a gtg.
Lynda woohoo maybe I will be back in the saddle soon
LYNDA, That is so great. I am sohappy for you .Plus you getting in all your protein that is awesome . I hope you continue to lose at a great rate I will always be thinking about you. If you ever want to talk please email me . Love to you ...Beth