You know you have had WLS when....

on 1/20/06 11:36 am - Dacula, GA
Ok here is a play on Jeff Foxworthy... You know you have had WLS when.... You go to a restaurant and ask for a hunk of meat. When your boobs no longer resemble boobs but loong flaps of skin When you redefine cheap date (a bite of this a bite of that and a sip of that and drunk and full and its costs less them $10) I know you guys have to have some funny ones....lets hear em'.
on 1/20/06 11:40 am
when your boobs are in a race to see which one can be tucked in your pants first. When you bought a new pair of jeans two days ago and you have you use rope to hold them up. when your dog has more hair than you do! when you get home from going to dinner and realize you're hungry again. (That comes a bit later in the post op years ) when you make a doctors appointment to check out the new lump on your neck that actually is your COLLAR BONE. I'm brain dead - that's my one's for the night!
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/06 6:33 pm - Warner Robins, GA
LMAO! So funny....but ALL true! Thanks for the good laugh! HUgs, Tonya
on 1/20/06 2:10 pm - Byron, GA
You know you have had WLS when.... Crying in the dressig room is a GOOD thing! Kia
on 1/20/06 11:21 pm - Dacula, GA
Dee Dee-Love the one about the about shoulder blades...I told my mom I thought it was fat holding up my head all these Kia-crying in the dressing room now is a very good thing...
on 1/21/06 2:54 am - Duluth, GA
When you walk past a plate glass window and can see yourself, and can't help but stop and go WHOA!!!!!!! When you cross your legs for the first time and let out a little squeal!! When the office HR mgr asks what size shirt you want to order, because they are giving the whole office shirts, and my first though is "what color" instead of "oh well, another shirt that will go right in the trash...because they NEVER have them in sizes bigger than 2X". When you have only 3 glasses of wine and wake up still drunk the next day! When you get STOOOPID one day and suck down part of a Mr. Misty and part of a Blizzard, and spend the rest the evening in the bed WISHING you could HURL! LOL! When you finally cut up your Catherines, Lane Bryant and Avenue credit cards.
on 1/21/06 8:10 am - savannah, GA
You have a panic attack when the dryer has shrunk your new clothes, only to realize ----- those 4 sizes smaller things really DO fit. Your friends are suddenly talking about your "hourglass" figure, when you have been a butcherblock for years!
on 1/21/06 8:26 am - duluth, GA
when you go out to a dinner party, they bring in a tray of wings, you eat 2 and say no thank you i'm so full i just can't eat another thing. carol
(deactivated member)
on 1/21/06 9:37 pm - GA
When you have a case of the 'gone a _ _', and you just bought those pants less than four weeks ago!! Norma
on 1/22/06 6:19 am - Norcross, GA
When you go to your class reunion and the people that used to make fun of you want to hang out with you.... When you grew up the fat sister and now you give them your old clothes... When your niece hugs you and says she can fit her arms around you now... When you look at your 90 pound nephew and think "I lost a whole one of him!"... When you can outplay the kids... When your girdle doesn't fit anymore! When you can put your purse in the movie theater seat next to you... When you realize that your thighs aren't stuffed out the sides of the metal chairs with arms on them... When the Dr. doesn't look at your weight and say "we need to be focusing on this more"... When you go to the Women's section in the store out of habit and the clerk says "Your size clothes are on the other side"... I've though of these for the last two years! I hope some of you can relate! Barbie
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