Eating like a horse !!!
Any one in the same boat as me or been here and got out ...I am almost two months out ...And right now i sware i can eat everything in sight!!! and i am thinking about food all the time ....What is the deal ....I noticed this happening when i was about a year and a half out but latley it has been so bad ...i dont know if it is casue i feel like crap ...or if i am just going back to old ways ......?? Any advice or help or anyone else going thru this .....???? i am thinking about food ALL THE TIME !!!! i dont like this .......

Oh! I've so been there! It started about 1 year out. Old habits started creeping back in. One day I stopped by BP for gas and I discovered their Peanut Butter cookie and I thought to myself, I can just get one and have a small bit and that will be okay. Well I ate the whole thing! That was the beginning. It was all down hill from there. Everyday it was some form of sugar or carbs. I was out of control. I started feeling lazy and before you knew it I had no energy to exercise. Then I started seeing that scale creeping back up. Then depression started setting in. THEN the Halloween came around, then Thanksgiving! THEN I said I have to get a grip!
1. Take a laxative and cleanse/detox for three days
2. Week 1 Full liquids (Mainly protein shakes, 150-225 ozs of water per day).
3. Increase exercise. Started working out AM & PM. Joined LA Fitness for the classes.
4. I purchased a Heart Rate Monitor Watch. This measures exactly how many calories I burn durning my exercise sessions. We often overestimate calories burnt and underestimate calories eaten.
5. Now, I've started taking a digestive enzyme with my food. This aids in the digestive process and makes you feel full longer and get the full benefit of the food we eat. It also helps with gas.
6. Now, I am also trying to cut out eating after 6:30 - 7 PM. This is hard, since I get out of the gym after 8 and I am usually very hungry at that time.
7. Now, I am ensuring that I preparing my food. Every snack, every meal. If you don't prepare, prepare to fail!
Please make the decision to get back on track! Don't let a 5 or 10 pound gain turn into a 20, 30, 40 pound gain!
Healthy and Fit for 2006!
I can eat as much as I want.....the key is now that you're almost 2 years out that you have to have control. Now is when what you've learned to eat properly and exercise. I know - I'm preaching to you....but it's seriously when you have to put in place the skills you've learned to maintain the rest of your life.
I've been fighting the food ghosts. And my biggest relif is that I am a gym junkie. I will be GLAD to be able to work out again.....
Here's a thought - when you're hungry GRAB WATER or a PROTEIN DRINK!!!! I know it works wonders for me!
Dee Dee
Laura...I'm 18 months out Feb. 9th. I've heard this "window of opportunity" from the beginning so needless to say I'm accepting...or trying to accept my loss from this point on will be very minimal IF I can do the right things. I, like you, am struggling. Heck, it's too weird, actually, for the first time since my surgery my DH has gotten on a food plan, resolved/weight loss group that put $100 in the pot a la Who's the Biggest Loser?
All these months I've hoped he'd get on the wagon with that he is...I'm STARVING! Accckk! He is being religious about his eating....I have packed his lunches for him...high protein,low carbs..extremely low sugars. In 2 weeks, he's lost 10 lbs. with no exercise.
First week I lost the 5 lbs. I had put on over the holidays....2nd week, none. I'm just hovering at my loss of 145 lbs. I'm frustrated as I'm "cheating"....well, making poor choices so as to sound not so negative....but I'm grazing...It just seems that I'M really HUNGRY....I'm trying to decide if it's due to what I'm grazing on....carbs breed more carbs....increase appetite for carbs, etc.
*sigh*......I get you and others.....I swore when I started this at size 32 I'd be thrilled to death to get in a size 18. That's exactly what I'm doing....and I'm still beating myself up because "I could have done better....What if I'd not eaten this or that?" ya know? I'm really working on not obsessing about my size....BUT I want to make sure I don't lose focus about NOT EVER GAINING THIS BACK.
I resolved to get in a gym or water or walk this year...I walked one 2 mile day and it was a piece of cake for me, but I haven't made time for it since.
I HAVE TO DO BETTER! WE have to do better! Good luck to all!

I can Identify! It seems that I am also eating a lot here lately. I just had my 2 year anniversary and I am starting to wonder if this is about the time that this dream is gonna end.
I feel that I am getting back into those same old habits. My wife and I were talking and we both say that we still think about food constantly even with a combined weight loss of 285 lbs. I guess our food obsessions are not fixed with this surgery. Keep the faith and don't give up. We cant let ourselves get back to where we were before. Starting a more robust exercise plan sounds like a good Idea. If I could just get motivated.
God Bless,