Last Night, Jan. Gathering
Thanks to you all that came to the dinner last night. I am so ashamed that the owners were so rude, even after they had told me before that a few couples could split the bills. I am sorry this happened. It was so great to finally meet everyone.
Tammy thanks so much girl for being my Angel, you are such a blessing, Love the bear by the way.
Susan Bertrand, love your attitude about things, seems like we may have alot in common.
Valerie Fields, Girl you look so good I didn't even recognize you when you came in, MUAHHH
Marty & Mae, Thanks for coming, it was great to finally meet you two and hopefullythere will be many more to come that I will join in on. Marty you are looking good.
Valerie Roney, I didn't get to speak to you that much, so sorry but I sure am glad that you and hubby made it
Susan(Douglasville), it was so great to meet you and the b/f, you are looking vabulious girl, keep up the great work.
Ms. Norma, OMG you are a hoot, thanks for joining I has so much fun talking to you.
Britney, girl I love your attitude
Beth M., It was great to meet you and the kiddos, you are looking
I think that's everyone, If I forgot you please know that it's not entended.
Had a blast.

Had a great time last night...I can not believe that I ate as much as I did!! It was so wonderful to be able to meet some new faces, and enjoyed talking with everyone!! Melissa, you are a hoot too!!
I have to admit that this surgery has opened doors for me that had been closed for a very long time, and I can not believe that I was hesitant on having the surgery, being that I had to self-pay...Let me say, it was worth every $$ I spent and would do it all over again!!! I do love this group of people, and hope that my work schedule will allow me to attend our monthly gatherings in the next few months. I am already counting the days till April 15th gets here!! LOL

Hi Melissa...
Thanks for hosting last night. It is always so much fun getting to meet all the new folks, and visiting with everyone. And you are probably right, we do have the same attitude on things... kinda a fun place to be huh....
I was so glad that I asked Kathy to follow me home last night because of my car having 'issues'. It turned out to be that her car had bigger issues than mine, but atleast I was able to follow her to get back to the interstate before her having to call a tow truck. Kathy, please be sure to let me know what exactly it turned out to be with your car.
One question I have for everyone else out there.... I absolutely adore Japanese food, and intend on continueing to eat it, but my question is.... Does anyone else have a problem with swelling up like a balloon after eating it???? Seems like everytime I eat Japanese, I wake up so swollen the next day the my too big rings are cutting into my skin. I am assuming it is the salt content. And as much as I love Japanese food, I guess I will have to suffer the consequences each time I eat it. Just wondering if anyone else has to deal with this too?
Thanks again Melissa!!!!
I had a great time last night and I am glad I was able to go. I was always kind of shy about going to one of these gatherings, but everyone was so nice and friendly. All of you look even better in person, than in your photos!!!! I really enjoyed the Japanese restaurant experience. My boyfriend didn't think he would enjoy it, but he had a great time, too! I hope to see you guys at the next one. Susan
Last night WAS fun! I always go into "shy mode" when I don't know many people, but you guys are so nice, I quickly come out of my shell
My husband had a good time too, so we'll be trying to get to as many of these as we can!
I'm so glad the owner was sort of rude- I've been looking for an excuse to beat up a skinny b!t@h!!!
See you next month

Thanks for coordinting everything! I actually enjoyed the experience, the "adventure" with the management was just kinda a bonding experience for our group. And I think all in all we handled it with a lot of finesse and laughter!
You all are looking great and it was so wonderful to get to meet some many of you.
For the record Melissa, Both Valarie Rooney and I spell our names with two A's ValArie (because out mom's knew how to spell! YEA BABY!!!!)
Anyway, Leslie and I had a ball and I just wanted to tell you guys how great it was to see all of you in person.
I will definitely be making a point to get to the outting next month.
Talk to everyone soon!
Hey gal!!
We had a GREAT Time!! THANK YOU THANK YOU for hosting!
Sorry I was kinda out of it...turns out I was REALLY sick. I never got out of bed yesterday OR today...stayed home from work.
Got bronchitis,. fluid in both ears, sinus infection...ain't I just a barrell of fun?
Feel a bit better tonight though...
It was GREAT to see everyone... a bit less each time!!
I'll get the pics up soon.