I have been selected to host the May gathering so......

(deactivated member)
on 1/7/06 2:34 pm - Marietta, GA
Here is what I have in mind. I would like to make this an all day adventure for the whole family. Children are VERY welcome and in fact encouraged to attend. That is both young and old children. Its a good thing because it is the only way I could attend April 15th The Georgia Renaissance Festival starts and continues thru June 4th. I want to select a Saturday in the month of May that is good for everyone. If you haven't had the chance to be part of a Ren fest you are in for a special treat. From the opening of the gates ceremony to the final joust of the day, it is a fun filled journey back in time. Many dress the part as do I but it is not a requirement by any means. The entertainment is awesome and ladies the shopping isn't to bad either. The food OMG is awesome. It is almost a requirement to have a turkey leg or maybe a chocolate covered bananna. I need to know from all of you, what Saturday in May would be best for you. Gates open at 10:30 and close at 6:00. After I get an idea on how many would like to attend and what weekend I will be able to work on admission prices ie group rates ect. Please keep in mind that Sunday May 14th is Mothers day and I don't want to invade that special day. I am good for the 13th but some of you may not. Pick a date and we'll go from there.
Melissa F.
on 1/7/06 8:53 pm - newnan, GA
Hey Marty, I will so be there, I have never been to an ren fest before, OMG did I say that. The Saturday's of May 6th, 13th or 27th, are good for me. The 20th isn't because we are having Presleigh's 7th birthday party then, but any of the other days are fine. It may just be Presleigh & I but I'm going to try and talk David into coming as well. *wink wink* Melissa
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/06 9:31 pm - GA
I would love to come...most any Saturday in May is good for me, unless I decide to take some R&R one weekend that month!! It was great to see you and Mae last night. Norma
Susan Bertrand
on 1/7/06 11:09 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Hi Marty, You pick a date, and I will work on a sitter for the little one. As far as I know, any of them in May would be fine for me... I'm looking forward to a new experience of the Ren Festival! Hugs, Susan
on 1/7/06 11:48 pm - Mableton, GA
Susan, How old is your little one? The faire is extremely kid friendly! I think this is a great idea Marty and would love to come, hubby and daughter in tow. Any weekend would work for me! Ohhh by May I might not be able to fit in my renn costume! Good excuse to go shopping! Beth RNY 1/4/06
Susan Bertrand
on 1/8/06 12:54 am - Jacksonville, FL
My little one is 9, but I just need the time away.... I already knew it was kid friendly, I just need that me time... Not fitting in your costume is a good thing... Hugs, Susan
on 1/8/06 1:46 am - Mableton, GA
I completely understand! Mine is 4 and exhausting some days! We all need our mommy off days! Beth
on 1/8/06 1:35 am - Clarkesville, GA
(deactivated member)
on 1/8/06 3:07 am - Marietta, GA
Those of you that have been know what fun the festival is. I personally have over $500 wrapped up in my costume that I wear every day of the fest. There are shows for your entertainment all day long and shopps galore. Our worst emeny (food) is rampant but oh so good. You can also pack a cooler of food (which I recomend). You can enter and leave the event at will with a hand stamp so you can get by cheap if you bring you eats and drinks with you. I bring my wine and go out for refills as needed. I also bring lunch meat for lunches. If you really want to spend a fortune you can do so in the many many shops on the grounds. There is a ton of stuff for every desire. If you haven't ever experienced a Ren Fest I can't stress enough just how much fun they are. Be ready to be hooked on escaping to the 18th century. I do for 6 weeks a year
on 1/8/06 5:00 am - Tucker, GA
Marty, May is wide open for me. My mother LOVES the Ren Fest, but I have never actually made it, so the kids and I will be there in full force. I am REALLY looking forward to it!!!!! So count us in! Valarie
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