OT - 65 Questions to get to know you

on 1/6/06 9:32 pm
Is it not obvious I have NOTHING better to do?? 1. How tall are you? 2. Do you own a gun? 3. Ever had Rehab or Counseling? 4. Have you ever killed an animal? 5. What is your heratige? 6. What do you think of hot dogs? 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? 8. What is your favorite smell? 9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? 10. Do you do push ups? 11. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster? 12. Have you been shot? 13. Have you ever been hospitalized? 14. Do you like pain killers? 15. What is your secret weapon to lure in your preferred sex? 16. Do you own a weapon? 17. Do you have A.D.D? 18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? 19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: 20. What's In Your CD Player? 21. Who is your best friend? 22. What's Under Your Bed? 23. Current Hair style/color? 24. What are you wearing? 25. Current worry? 26. Current Love? 27. Current Hate? 28. Favorite Place To Be? 29. Least Favorite Place To Be? 30. If You Could Play an Instrument, what would it be? 31. Favorite Colors? 32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? 33. Where Would You Like To Go? 34. Where do you want to live? 35. Favorite food? 36. Color of most clothes you own? 37. Number of pillows you sleep with? 38. What do you wear when you go to sleep? 39. What were you doing 10 years ago? 40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? 41. Are you paranoid? 42. First piercing/tattoo? 43. Last person you cried over? 44. Latest crush? 45. Last thing you ate? 46. If you could be a pirate, would you? 47. Do you have an ipod? 49. What's in your pockets/purse right now? 50. What color are your bedroom walls? 51. last thing that made you laugh? 52. Any pets now? 53. inny or an outty? 54. do you have any piercing? 55. If you were a crayon what color would you be? 56. Have you ever won any awards? 57. How many TV's do you have in your house? 58. Have you ever had a sprain/ fracture or broken bones or any stitches? 59: If you could live next door to any one person of your choosing, who would it be? 60: If you could have any one wish granted, what would it be? 61. If you could pick one person to hang out with who would it be? 62 What do you think of the person who posted this before you? 63. Your Screen Name? 64 Whats your middle Name? 65 What time is it EXACTLY?
on 1/6/06 9:45 pm
1. How tall are you? 5'5" 2. Do you own a gun? no 3. Ever had Rehab or Counseling? no 4. Have you ever killed an animal? accidentally with my car - cried for DAYS 5. What is your heratige? Irish 6. What do you think of hot dogs? LOVE them as long as they are boiled or steamed 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night 8. What is your favorite smell? any thing that is CLEAN 9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? protein shake or coffee 10. Do you do push ups? YES!!!!! 11. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster? Yes - and can't wait till summer to do it again 12. Have you been shot? NO 13. Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes 14. Do you like pain killers? NO WAY 15. What is your secret weapon to lure in your preferred sex? my eyes or my smile 16. Do you own a weapon? nope 17. Do you have A.D.D? what was the question again? 18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? YUP....I'm an addict 19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Propel Melon, coke, coffee, protein shake, tea 20. What's In Your CD Player? Will Smith's Greatest Hits 21. Who is your best friend? Dionna 22. What's Under Your Bed? NOTHING 23. Current Hair style/color? Growing it out/blonde....for now 24. What are you wearing? my pajamas and robe 25. Current worry? finances 26. Current Love? none 27. Current Hate? hypocrites....always has been 28. Favorite Place To Be? anywhere that makes me happy 29. Least Favorite Place To Be? dentists office 30. If You Could Play an Instrument, what would it be? Piano 31. Favorite Colors? Teal Green 32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? My Momma 33. Where Would You Like To Go? Hawaii or Australia 34. Where do you want to live? Mountains at my back beach at my feet 35. Favorite food? all of them.....some of them don't like me back though 36. Color of most clothes you own? brown/blue/pink 37. Number of pillows you sleep with? 6 on my bed - 2 under my head the rest are decoration or under my knees 38. What do you wear when you go to sleep? pajamas if I sleep alone...LOL 39. What were you doing 10 years ago? working.....enjoying being single 40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? hopefully married with kids? 41. Are you paranoid? why do you ask? who wants to know? 42. First piercing/tattoo? 5 tattoos and 2 piercings in each ear....will be gtting my belly button pierced when it's healed 43. Last person you cried over? thinking about how much I miss my momma 44. Latest crush? he knows who he is 45. Last thing you ate? chicken at dinner last night 46. If you could be a pirate, would you? no...they're dirty and stinky 47. Do you have an ipod? I want one.... 49. What's in your pockets/purse right now? my wallet, pictures, junk.... 50. What color are your bedroom walls? wood 51. last thing that made you laugh? my niece and nephew 52. Any pets now? 2 cats (toby Keith and Patches) and fish 53. inny or an outty? Inny - and it's SOOOO cute now! 54. do you have any piercing? Didn't I answer this already? 55. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Teal Green or purple 56. Have you ever won any awards? YES!!! Many for cheerleading - several for work 57. How many TV's do you have in your house? 6 58. Have you ever had a sprain/ fracture or broken bones or any stitches? stitches, sprains - no broken bones.....yet!!! (knocking on wood) 59: If you could live next door to any one person of your choosing, who would it be? no one....neighbors tend to be too nosy 60: If you could have any one wish granted, what would it be? for my mom to see me now. 61. If you could pick one person to hang out with who would it be? my mom.....she was my best friend 62 What do you think of the person who posted this before you? I love myself......and the person I stole it from...LOL 63. Your Screen Name? Which one...I have several! (queendd2 and atlddgooniegoogoo are my two most common ones.) 64 Whats your middle Name? Elizabeth 65 What time is it EXACTLY? 8:45 AM
on 1/7/06 2:18 am - suwanee, GA
I'll try... don't know if will be able to finish 1. How tall are you? 5'7'' 2. Do you own a gun? No, have no desire and no plans to have a gun 3. Ever had Rehab or Counseling? NO 4. Have you ever killed an animal? if you consider roaches, spiders, and flies an animal, then -- yes, otherwise---no, never 5. What is your heratige? Russian 6. What do you think of hot dogs? I don't normaly think of them , but like it once in a while 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? don't have one 8. What is your favorite smell? fresh-cut grass, fresh real pine, gardenia, lavender (real) 9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? hot tea, freshly brewed 10. Do you do push ups? Nope... not yet 11. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster? yes... 12. Have you been shot? NO. 13. Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes 14. Do you like pain killers? NO WAY 15. What is your secret weapon to lure in your preferred sex? I'm pretty straight forward.... just ask .. 16. Do you own a weapon? NO, CHEF's knife only.. 17. Do you have A.D.D? NO 18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? NO, I never even thought of having it done... 19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: tea, coffee, buttermilk, protein shakes, water 20. What's In Your CD Player? Leaonard Cohen/Quentin Tarantino's soundtracks 21. Who is your best friend? Anna 22. What's Under Your Bed? some dust and books probably 23. Current Hair style/color? very short, redish brown 24. What are you wearing? jeans at T-shirt 25. Current worry? health of my mother-in law . she's hospitalized. 26. Current Love? my children 27. Current Hate? mess in my house and more so having to clean it 28. Favorite Place To Be? mountain lake 29. Least Favorite Place To Be? funerals 30. If You Could Play an Instrument, what would it be? Piano. 31. Favorite Colors? lavender/pink 32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? my best friend from college that I haven't seen in 12 years. 33. Where Would You Like To Go? Scottland, Austria, Italy 34. Where do you want to live? I like Atlanta as long as my children are little and I have tu live in burbs. 35. Favorite food? mushrooms, potatoes, eggplants 36. Color of most clothes you own? green/purple/pink/red 37. Number of pillows you sleep with? one only, but a large and real one. No synthetic will do.. 38. What do you wear when you go to sleep? do you really want to know? Nothing 39. What were you doing 10 years ago? started grad. school, was pregnant with my first son 40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? working, raising children... I don't foresee much change in my next decade.. 41. Are you paranoid? I don't think so 42. First piercing/tattoo? had ears pierced at 9-10 y.o. ... nothing after that.. 43. Last person you cried over? my son 44. Latest crush? totalled my Camry in 2004 in front-end collision with F-150 45. Last thing you ate? turkey breakfast sausage 46. If you could be a pirate, would you? NAh...I would like to be WITH a cute pirate though.. 47. Do you have an ipod? no, I could hardly figure out how to operate CD Player... 49. What's in your pockets/purse right now? wallet, mints, lint remover 50. What color are your bedroom walls? green 51. last thing that made you laugh? walking into my room and seeing my baby playing with TAMPAX that he dug out from God knows where... well at least it's safe.. 52. Any pets now? no 53. inny or an outty? I go both ways, but outty mostly 54. do you have any piercing? No 55. If you were a crayon what color would you be? purple 56. Have you ever won any awards? sure... in school 57. How many TV's do you have in your house? 2 58. Have you ever had a sprain/ fracture or broken bones or any stitches? yeah... but if you consider how many falls/accidents I've had.... not that many stiches or scars to prove it though (Thank GOd!) 59: If you could live next door to any one person of your choosing, who would it be? My sister 60: If you could have any one wish granted, what would it be? my kids to be happy and healthy 61. If you could pick one person to hang out with who would it be? depends on the cir****tances 62 What do you think of the person who posted this before you? "she just gave me an excuse to postpone laundry for 1/2 hr" 63. Your Screen Name? Rita, MamanRi 64 Whats your middle Name? Grie 65 What time is it EXACTLY?13:135
on 1/7/06 4:30 am - Jefferson, GA
OK... This is better than cleaning house . How tall are you? 5'6 2. Do you own a gun? yes 3. Ever had Rehab or Counseling? Eating Disorder counceling twice 4. Have you ever killed an animal? yes. 5. What is your heratige? Irish 6. What do you think of hot dogs? I like a good Kosher one once in a while 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Nat king Cole the Chrstmas Song 8. What is your favorite smell? Fresh cut wood 9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? coffee with cream and splenda 10. Do you do push ups? HATe them...no 11. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster? Yes 12. Have you been shot? No 13. Have you ever been hospitalized? But of course 14. Do you like pain killers? If I am in pain 15. What is your secret weapon to lure in your preferred sex? My sense of humor and wit 16. Do you own a weapon? yes 17. Do you have A.D.D? no 18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? Sort of... Have 2 tattoos 19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water, Coffee, Crystal Lite, Dasani Strawberry water, Decaf Tea with Splenda 20. What's In Your CD Player? Nothing.. I use my Ipod 21. Who is your best friend? My husband 22. What's Under Your Bed? Husband's gun cases 23. Current Hair style/color? Brown. and too curly 24. What are you wearing? Jeans ( size 8...YAHOOOOO), boots, and a pretty sweater with Black brown red and tan 25. Current worry? That I will gain back weight 26. Current Love? My Dear hubby 27. Current Hate? Myself when I am not eating right 28. Favorite Place To Be? At home.. or at an auction 29. Least Favorite Place To Be? Stuck in traffic on GA 400 30. If You Could Play an Instrument, what would it be? Guitar 31. Favorite Colors? Pink...... red....brown 32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? My Dad 33. Where Would You Like To Go? To Ireland...Have not been since I was 11 34. Where do you want to live? Right where I am 35. Favorite food? Beleive it or not....probably tuna fish right now 36. Color of most clothes you own? pink 37. Number of pillows you sleep with? 1 38. What do you wear when you go to sleep? T-shirt, or flannel PJ bottoms...depending on how cold it is 39. What were you doing 10 years ago? Partying too much...in a bad relationship....living the fast life in NYC 40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? Working, married, and maybe have some more grandkids 41. Are you paranoid? Sometimes too much 42. First piercing/tattoo? Ears were the first peircing...Left ankle micky mouse was my first tattoo 43. Last person you cried over? Lady at support group this morning that lost over 500 pounds 44. Latest crush? My dear hubby 45. Last thing you ate? Wheatsworth crackers with cheese 46. If you could be a pirate, would you? Nope 47. Do you have an ipod? yep 49. What's in your pockets/purse right now? Wallet/Checkbook/Lipstick/ Business Cards/ Calcium/ Multi vitamins 50. What color are your bedroom walls? Wallpaper. Cream with tan and green 51. last thing that made you laugh? Hubby horsing around 52. Any pets now? A 4 lb Maltese named Fancy, a 4 lb Holland Lop Rabbit named Mr. Hobbs and 3 cats....Killer,Sox and Fred. Just had to put a cat named Ethel down last week 53. inny or an outty? inny 54. do you have any piercing? Nothing but ears 55. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Pink or orange 56. Have you ever won any awards? Won a Twist contest when I was five at this place my brother took accordion lessons.. (How corny is that?) 57. How many TV's do you have in your house? 4 58. Have you ever had a sprain/ fracture or broken bones or any stitches? yes 59: If you could live next door to any one person of your choosing, who would it be? My Mom 60: If you could have any one wish granted, what would it be? Stepson to not have to go to Iraq.... and for him to be stationed closer to home 61. If you could pick one person to hang out with who would it be? Mom 62 What do you think of the person who posted this before you? Nice person.. very upbeat...very sincere 63. Your Screen Name? Maureen K 64 Whats your middle Name? Ann 65 What time is it EXACTLY? 3:28 PM
Becky F
on 1/7/06 10:58 am - Woodstock, GA
s it not obvious I have NOTHING better to do?? 1. How tall are you? 5'7" 2. Do you own a gun? Never 3. Ever had Rehab or Counseling? Counseling 4. Have you ever killed an animal? accidentally when driving 5. What is your heratige? Scot Irish 6. What do you think of hot dogs? yes 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Oh Holy Night 8. What is your favorite smell? warm sugar vanilla 9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? skim milk 10. Do you do push ups? no 11. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster? yes 12. Have you been shot? no 13. Have you ever been hospitalized? yes 14. Do you like pain killers? yes 15. What is your secret weapon to lure in your preferred sex? smile 16. Do you own a weapon? no 17. Do you have A.D.D? think so 18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? don't know 19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: water, diet vanilla Coke, tea 20. What's In Your CD Player? Natalie Grant 21. Who is your best friend? KAthy Yaun 22. What's Under Your Bed? treasure boxes 23. Current Hair style/color? red, short 24. What are you wearing? pink pjs 25. Current worry? Will Drew do well wehen he comes home? 26. Current Love? Gregory 27. Current Hate? owning two houses 28. Favorite Place To Be? in bed 29. Least Favorite Place To Be? at home 30. If You Could Play an Instrument, what would it be? I do play the piano...would love to be better 31. Favorite Colors? green, blue 32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? no one...I'm too tired 33. Where Would You Like To Go? Paris, Tuscany, Vienna, Berne, Murren 34. Where do you want to live? where I live now 35. Favorite food? chocolate 36. Color of most clothes you own? green 37. Number of pillows you sleep with? one 38. What do you wear when you go to sleep? pjs 39. What were you doing 10 years ago? the same thing - teaching 40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? the samething - teacher 41. Are you paranoid? yep 42. First piercing/tattoo? earrings at 21 years old 43. Last person you cried over? son 44. Latest crush? hubby 45. Last thing you ate? grilled cheese 46. If you could be a pirate, would you? no 47. Do you have an ipod? no 49. What's in your pockets/purse right now? wallet, photos, cash, cards,brush, lip gloss, sinus medication 50. What color are your bedroom walls? kakhi 51. last thing that made you laugh? hubby making ugly comment about how I could have missed my mouth with medication 52. Any pets now? turtle 53. inny or an outty? inny 54. do you have any piercing? ears 55. If you were a crayon what color would you be? turquoise 56. Have you ever won any awards? yep 57. How many TV's do you have in your house? six 58. Have you ever had a sprain/ fracture or broken bones or any stitches? yes, stitches 59: If you could live next door to any one person of your choosing, who would it be? my former neighbors of 28 years. 60: If you could have any one wish granted, what would it be? salvation for everyone 61. If you could pick one person to hang out with who would it be? hubby 62 What do you think of the person who posted this before you? don;t remember who it was, but I think it was Maureen. I love her and find her to be an encourager and go getter. 63. Your Screen Name? Becky Farmer 64 Whats your middle Name? Mcbrayer 65 What time is it EXACTLY? 9:53 Good Night!
Stephanie P.
on 1/9/06 5:27 am - Chattanooga, TN
1. How tall are you? 5'5" 2. Do you own a gun? No...I don't, but there is one in the house 3. Ever had Rehab or Counseling? Counseling 4. Have you ever killed an animal? NO 5. What is your heratige? French and Native American 6. What do you think of hot dogs? If they are good, I like them. 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Maybe Frost the Snowman...my son is so cute singing it. 8. What is your favorite smell? Fresh cut grass and my husband's shaving cream. 9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Iced Tea 10. Do you do push ups? No, but I should 11. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster? Yes, and I can't wait to do it again. 12. Have you been shot? No 13. Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes 14. Do you like pain killers? If I'm hurting, yes 15. What is your secret weapon to lure in your preferred sex? I don't know...maybe my smile. 16. Do you own a weapon? No 17. Do you have A.D.D? I don't think so. 18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? I'm not sure...I don't have any yet. 19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: lowfat milk, water, iced tea, coffee (lattes), and flavored water. 20. What's In Your CD Player? Mix made by my hubby. 21. Who is your best friend? My husband 22. What's Under Your Bed? Derrick's guitar cases, and who knows what ese. 23. Current Hair style/color? Layered...light auburn. 24. What are you wearing? Very cute pajamas I got for Christmas. 25. Current worry? Money and getting bills caught up. 26. Current Love? My son and my husband. 27. Current Hate? Not having enough money. 28. Favorite Place To Be? Camping at the Yurts at Bobby Brown State Park with my family. 29. Least Favorite Place To Be? Working late. 30. If You Could Play an Instrument, what would it be? Piano 31. Favorite Colors? All shades of green. 32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? My grandmothers. 33. Where Would You Like To Go? Italy 34. Where do you want to live? Right here. 35. Favorite food? It has changed since surgery...anything cheesy. 36. Color of most clothes you own? Now that I can buy just about any color...I have a rainbow of clothes in my closet. 37. Number of pillows you sleep with? 3 really flat ones. 38. What do you wear when you go to sleep? t-shirt and underwear. 39. What were you doing 10 years ago? College 40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? Handling my 13 year old and having a wonderful like....I can't imagine Nathan being 13. 41. Are you paranoid? What are you trying to say? 42. First piercing/tattoo? I had my ears pierced at like 8 or 9. I had second holes when I was a teenager, but they have since grown up. 43. Last person you cried over? 44. Latest crush? My son and husband 45. Last thing you ate? Ate some stew for lunch and just finished some milk 46. If you could be a pirate, would you? Can I be a pirate with Johnny Depp? 47. Do you have an ipod? NO 49. What's in your pockets/purse right now? A bunch of junk. 50. What color are your bedroom walls? White 51. last thing that made you laugh? My husband and son acting silly 52. Any pets now? Yes...a cat named Alexander, but we call him Cat. 53. inny or an outty? inny 54. do you have any piercing? ears 55. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Green 56. Have you ever won any awards? Probably when I was a kid, but I don't really remember...and some customer service awards at work. 57. How many TV's do you have in your house? 2 58. Have you ever had a sprain/ fracture or broken bones or any stitches? All of the above. 59: If you could live next door to any one person of your choosing, who would it be? No one. I would live on several acres where no one would be around too closely...I don't really know my neighbors. 60: If you could have any one wish granted, what would it be? To have all of my bills paid and caught up. 61. If you could pick one person to hang out with who would it be? Not sure 62 What do you think of the person who posted this before you? I think she is a very sweet person. 63. Your Screen Name? Sometimes I'm Twylyth. 64 Whats your middle Name? 65 What time is it EXACTLY?
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/06 11:50 pm - North Augusta, SC
OT - 65 Questions to get to know you Is it not obvious I have NOTHING better to do?? 1. How tall are you? 5ft 11inches 2. Do you own a gun? Yes, for turkey hunting 3. Ever had Rehab or Counseling? Counseling 4. Have you ever killed an animal? Yes, turkey with gun, rabbit and bird with car on accident 5. What is your heratige? French, Italian, German 6. What do you think of hot dogs? Love big ones (with chili) 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? We Three Kings and First Noel 8. What is your favorite smell? Roses 9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Tropicana 1/2 the Sugar No Pupl Orange Juics (ummmmmm good!) 10. Do you do push ups? Very badly 11. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster? Yes, so much fun. Can't wait for Six Flags to open, since I know my bosy will fit in everything now!! 12. Have you been shot? No 13. Have you ever been hospitalized? Only for this suregry 14. Do you like pain killers? No, they make me feel fuzzy around the edges 15. What is your secret weapon to lure in your preferred sex? Long blonde hair and smile 16. Do you own a weapon? I told you I own a gun 17. Do you have A.D.D? Nope 18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? Nope 19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water, SF Grape Koolaide, OJ, Protein Drink, and more Water 20. What's In Your CD Player? Republica 21. Who is your best friend? My sister, Shelby 22. What's Under Your Bed? Nothing 23. Current Hair style/color? Long and Blonde 24. What are you wearing? Black pants and black blouse with flowers 25. Current worry? Money and Finances (always on my mind in Jan) 26. Current Love? My Cat, Smokey, and my hubby 27. Current Hate? Time, it keeps moving faster and faster 28. Favorite Place To Be? Near water- waterfall, stream, brooke, lake, ocean, etc. 29. Least Favorite Place To Be? Anywhere it is too cold 30. If You Could Play an Instrument, what would it be? Electric Guitar or Violin 31. Favorite Colors? Blue, Green, Yellow 32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? Not sure 33. Where Would You Like To Go? On a Cruise to the Bahamas or Mexico 34. Where do you want to live? Near the Beach or in the mountains 35. Favorite food? Can't think of just one... chicken maybe 36. Color of most clothes you own? Black, of course 37. Number of pillows you sleep with? 3 38. What do you wear when you go to sleep? Tank top and panties 39. What were you doing 10 years ago? looking forward to graduation day from high school 40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? Watching my children grow 41. Are you paranoid? Not really, well I do check the door locks several times before I leave the house. Is that paranoid or obesssive compulsive? 42. First piercing/tattoo? Ears pierced when I was 6 43. Last person you cried over? My great uncle that died 44. Latest cru****s a secret 45. Last thing you ate? SF Cough Drop 46. If you could be a pirate, would you? Maybe... are they still around? 47. Do you have an ipod? No, but I have an MP3 player 49. What's in your pockets/purse right now? Everything but the kitchen sink 50. What color are your bedroom walls? Tan/Kahki 51. last thing that made you laugh? A friends email 52. Any pets now? Cat, Smokey 53. inny or an outty? inny 54. do you have any piercing? ears 55. If you were a crayon what color would you be? violet or magenta 56. Have you ever won any awards? yes, several in high school- academic and art, several at work for projects 57. How many TV's do you have in your house? 2 58. Have you ever had a sprain/ fracture or broken bones or any stitches? Nope- stiches from WLS 59: If you could live next door to any one person of your choosing, who would it be? Someone famous 60: If you could have any one wish granted, what would it be? To not have to worry about money 61. If you could pick one person to hang out with who would it be? My sister 62 What do you think of the person who posted this before you? All very interesting... 63. Your Screen Name? Blondechic or Blondegoddess 64 Whats your middle Name? Renee 65 What time is it EXACTLY? 10:45am, time to get back to work
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