Deedee or Sherry

on 1/5/06 3:53 am - Jefferson, GA
I have a question about insurance for reconstructive surgery..... Did ya'all need a recommendation from your PCP or was your PS sufficient? Did you write a letter describing your symptoms? If so, would you mind sharing? Thanks for leading the way for us wanna-be's
Becky F
on 1/5/06 3:59 am - Woodstock, GA
GREAT QUESTIONS!!!! I want PS surgery soooooooooooo much! I wonder if a rash on my back that won't go away will be evidence. (I had an allergic reaction to the dummy in my CPR class in early November. Maybe I should stock up on rubber gloves.) Hugs, Becky
on 1/5/06 4:50 am - suwanee, GA
Dearest Becky! I hope you were joking about stocking up on rubber gloves....if it were true allergy to Latex, you never know when you would cross the line b/ween just a annoying rash to your throat swelling up and closing up on you. And chances are is that in case of true allergy every consequent exposure to the Allergen (latex) reaction is going to be much worse and much faster ... as there is such thing as Immune memory(your system already build up responce to previous exposure and "remembers" it).... Anyway.....I hope you get to have your PS.... but without any drastic measures.. best wishes to you, hugs, Rita
Becky F
on 1/5/06 5:51 am - Woodstock, GA
Dear Rita, I WAS joking! Sorry about my poor attempt at humor. I've had the "throat closing up" thing before, and would never want anyone to go through it. I know how dangerous an allergic reaction can be. I'll see if the monitors will pull my post. Thanks, Becky
on 1/5/06 4:58 am
For my insurance I didn't need anything from my PCP - though he was willing to give a letter if I needed one. I had BCBS PPO and didn't require a referral so all that was submitted to my insurance was just what the PS submitted. I know from my short term disability paperwork, they used my back pain, rashes and a large pannus to get me approved. In all actuality the only "hiccup" I had was that it took the Dr's office several weeks to even submit my insurance because my file was misplaced. Once that was straightened out it took less than three weeks for approval - and that included the insurance comapny loosing the initial pictures that were submitted for approval. I can't tell you how absolutely amazing I feel right now. I'm in NO pain - literally NO pain. I haven't had to take pain killers or muscle relaxers since Monday night. I'm really happy with how things are looking now. I wasn't even expecting to look as good as I do. Part of my incision area is still numb - but was told that is normal and could take months for all the nerve endings to re-establish themselves. For being one week post op - I don't have any real discomfort or pain. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.....I don't mind being a guinea pig! Dee Dee
on 1/5/06 10:29 am - Jefferson, GA
I am so glad that you are doing great! Keep us up to date on how you do. I go in at 6:30 in the morning for my knee replacement. Take care and I will check on you when I get out. Hugs, Debra
on 1/5/06 7:52 pm - Jefferson, GA
Thanks Dee Dee I really appreciate your sharing this information My insurance papers are being submitted today for a TT and Lift. I am so hoping to get this approved and have these done in conjuncition with my hysterectomy. I am skeptical that I will be approved. Lucky tummy is not that bad. But will be...will be. Wish me luck
on 1/7/06 2:26 am - Dacula, GA
Yes! It's essential to have a letter from your PCP. I don't physically have any letters in my hands. I never wrote a personal one. I might would do that if I needed to do an appeal...esp. for the thighs which I hope to get done in June. I had a TON of documentation from PCP...I pretty much went everytime I was suffering from a rash or back.neck.shoulder pain. Unfortunately, that's what you have to do...luckily, my PCP is awesome and didn't mind me coming in all the time. Hey...he made some $$ off of me...
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