Prayers please
A co-worker of mine that was inspired by my results and decided to have the surgery died last night from complications. He approached me the day I come back to work back in March and was working on his surgery ever sence. He had his done on December 30th and passed last night. Please keep his family in your thougths and prayers. Say a few for me as well. I'm feeling a bit guilty for saying anything about it.

Oh Marty! I am soooo sorry to hear about your co-worker. I will keep his family and YOU in my prayers. But please, do not feel guilty. Having surgery (any surgery) you always take a risk. He knew of the chances just like the rest of us do. It was ulitamately his decision and God's will. We can't always understand God's plans for us. We just have to accept it and move forward. I know for me, if I had to do it all over again and knowing the risk, I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Marty, I'm really really soryy for what happened to your co-worker and how it must've affected you, and also for his family as they are probably devistated. But like people before me said: it's absolutely not your fault by any means. I hope you and his family stays strong.
I'm not a religious person, but I certainly will be thinking of all of you. Hugs, Rita
Marty~~~I am so sorry to hear about your co-worker. I will keep his family in my prayers. You have nothing to feel guilty about. He was in search of a better quality of life as we all are. God is the author and finisher of our lives and there is nothing you could have done or said that could have changed the fact that your coworker would not have been here today.
I know nothing I can say will make you feel better, but please try to understand that these things are not in your hands.
Take care,