Repost: January Gathering/directions info
For those of you who are attending the gathering in January, here's the info again:
Where: EKA Japanese Steakhouse
224 Bullsboro Dr.
Newnan, Ga.
Phone # 770-251-0028
Date: Saturday January 7, 2006
Time 6 p.m.
I am not good with directions so if you all could please go to and plug in the address to get directions. If anyone needs to contact me, my cell # is 678-416-6537. The reservations are under "Floyd" so if you get there a few minutes early and wanna go ahead and go in that's fine, I'm going to try and be there by 5:45 p.m. Can't wait to see you all there.
Waaah!!! Melissa, I'm not going to be able to make the Jan. meeting. Today we found out that we have to visit with the head of the recovery center on Saturday afternoon to discuss Drew's after care. He is hopefully coming home on the 20th. I'm excited and a little nervous! PLease keep us in your prayers. We know seminary will be involved and addiction counselling is where the Lord is leading him. We are supposed to be extremely supportive, but ground rules will be necessary, or this old chick is not gonna make it. How do young people stay up so late? Where are their mothers? We have actually had dear girls who I love wake me up because they want to see Mom. I smile, but inside, I want them out of my home after midnight. I'm trying to be Christlike, but I NEED my rest. We really need your prayers for the Lord's guidance in this critical time. I want Drew to buy our old house (lease to own). For this to work out, it will take a miracle of financial proportions. You know I believe in them cause I believe in God.
I will miss everyone AGAIN!