Hello Everyone
I just wanted to post a quick hello. I haven't been posting much because our home PC has been dead. Derrick is working on fixing it. I haven't missed it too much until I want to tell you guys something or read your posts.
Thank you all that sent us Christmas cards. We have never gotten so many. It was great to receive them and read your stories.
I have pictures from the December get together. I'll post them as soon as we get the home PC up and running.
I have lost a little over 100 pounds! I'm now at 247! I am wearing 20/22's mostly. I can't believe the change in just 4 months. To go from 349 to here is amazing!!!! Things are great. I have more energy and stamina.
I just wanted to say hello to everyone really quickly.
Oh, Tami...how can I change my picture? I think you can help me with that.
Now...back to work.
I hope everyone has a safe, happy and prosperous New Year!!!!

Hey girl!!!
Send me the pic you want...and I'll send it up for you....
By the way, i JUST got the pics posted that Judy E sent me. I know I suck for taking so long...but here you go...here's the link, and I'll make a post showing that the pics Judy had are up.
I'm leaving Friday morning for Philly. Please pray for a safe flight, and that I do well with the animals at the people's house I am staying with.
God Bless and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!