Just over 48 hours
Before I leave to go to the hospital and ALL details seem to be worked out!!! I talked with the doctors office this morning and they were UPSET that the people from the hospital 1) called me at all and 2) only checked their physical file and NOT the computer that had the authorization (sp) number in it BEFORE the girl called me! I just LOVE the people at Artsian Plastic surgery....I WILL recommend them to anyone!!!!!
I'm excited and relieved right now......
time seems to have slowed to a crawl though.....
Dee Dee
PS. Thanks for listening to me gripe and whine!!!!

See! Told you it would all work out. Before I FORGET...go to the store, pharmacy aisle and pick up some Senekot. The pain meds (which you should have gotten) will make you constipated. I made the mistake of not taking the senekot regularly...then a week post-op I was on the toilet for an hour giving birth to the largest most impacted piece of crap I ever did produce. This happened the following day too. It hurt a lot! Soooo...if you learned anything from me, take the stool softeners. You're getting the muscles tightened(which I didn't) so you don't want to be pushing like I had to.
I'm going to the store now to get the perscriptions filled. Yes - I've been so upset that I didn't even get them filled for fear of this not happening!!!
I will pick up the Senakot as well today! Thanks for that advice. I had seen on the PS site that the pain medicine will make you constipated - I had planned on asking the doctor if I needed ex-lax or something!
I'm so excited today...It's almost unreal that things seem to be straightened out and this is actually going to happen!!!
Thank you Sherry - you've been such a wonderful support to me!!!! I LOVE YA GIRLIE!!!!
Dee Dee

Okay now I see. Boy you had me pretty pist there for a minute also. dang they cant play with people like that now. I am still waiting on my paperwork to go to BCBS for my arms and breast so wish me luck tamika at johns creek is suppose to submit to them today. Dag hope its done. Now you will do and be fine tomorrow girl and I am sure you will be posting that it was nothing like you thought. Heres to a speedy recovery...
Yay for the great news!!! I was hoping it was some stupid technical stuff! After reading Sherry's post, "relieved" has a whole new meaning!
Where are you going to be? Are you spending the night? I know Tami is going to be with you. Do you need anything (besides muchos prayeros)?
Dee Dee, you are greatly loved and a true blessing to the folks on here. I love you VERY much!