WOW moment
Just in time for Christmas -- My progress has been slow, and I have had not one but TWO strictures in my pouch since surgery. I seem to be back on track, and today had......
a MAJOR wow moment. I was flying into my department's office. (Amazing how much faster I move these days!). I walked past 2 co-workers, and one said to the other "Who was that?".
Oh my gosh!
She didn't even recognize me and its only been 4 months today.
What an anniversary present!
Carolyn D

Hey surgery day sis...who didnt call me back! waaah!
I had another sticture 2...I think I might have it again.... We went to Gottliebs last night for dinner ( HOW AMAZING, BTW)... I had a duck dish.. that was so so so tender..and I couldnt get that down..and even my pills seem hard to swallow...its a real bummer to vomit up your dinner, specially when it costs an absurb amount. To Dr. Whipple I go!
Congrats on your wow moment.... I cant wait till I get that!
I hope to see you soon...are you going to the meeting ( in house fun one) wednesday?