on 12/14/05 2:35 am - Dacula, GA
Hiya everyone! Not going to type too much-I'm pretty sore. Dee Dee-did you call Dr Ashraf's office? They told me a Diana Cole kept caling to check up, I was like who is that? Then I figured out after I hung up the phone with them that it musta been you! I was under for 5-5.5 hours. Have a new set of boobs with implants, new arms new under eyelids and a panni. When the nurse was checking my wounds I asked her how far up my anchor cut went. Well, she didn't do the anchor cut on me-only bikini. When I asked her about it she said I had thin skin and too much scar tissue on my tummy. I cried. Then she told me she'll fix me an anchor cut when I do my thighs. She's pretty conservative and errs on the side of caution. She said I woulda ended up with a would vac. Sooo, that's that! I'm a little itchy from this binder. I look like a octopus. I have two drains on my arms and 2 in my pubic region. I can't stand up straight yet. Other than that-I'm in good spirits
on 12/14/05 2:58 am - Conyers, GA
So glad to hear everything went good ...I cannt wiat to see the new new you !!! Laura
on 12/14/05 3:00 am
Yes hun - that was me!!! I wanted to make sure you were doing well. I'm glad to hear you're home. How is the pain level? Dr. Ashraf told me she wouldn't have to do an anchor cut on me because I have enough skin that will pull nicely. I would rather have the anchor cut....but I guess I'll be happy with what I get either way. My biggest concern is the pain level......I've been told the On-Q pump is supposed to be great.....but I'm a pansy anyway....LOL REST - then let me know when yo ucan how things are! Dee Dee (AKA Diana Cole.....he he)
on 12/14/05 3:05 am - Dacula, GA
My pain level didn't go higher than a 4 or 5, but I didn't have skin tightening. She did give me the pumo, I wonder if insurance will pay for it or if it comes out of my pocket...I didn't request it, but I'm glad I have it! I'm just sore in general. My gastric bypass was easy, this was 2nd easy, but my ulcer surgery last year a terrible! I'm glad I didn't get my thighs done at the same time. I would be 10 times more miserable than I am now. Thanks for checking up on me!
on 12/17/05 11:06 am - Duluth, GA
Hi Sherry! So glad to hear everything went well! WOW all that stuff...are we gonna recognize you??? I hope your healing goes smoothly!! Tami
on 12/14/05 8:56 am - Clarkesville, GA
Becky F
on 12/14/05 9:58 am - Woodstock, GA
Welcome home, Sherry!!! Glad you are in good spirits! Take it E-A-S-Y!!! Hugs, Becky
on 12/14/05 2:32 pm - Carrollton, GA
Glad to hear you came through nicely Though you might not want to post them, you should take a TON of pictures of your body now- a friend of mine took post-op pics every few days and they helped her get through the times she felt she wasn't healing... seeing the recovery everyday, you take little improvements for granted, but seeing old pics from just a few days ago, you'll see the progress. I'm so happy for you Enjoy! Valarie
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