just 13 days away for me
hey everyone,
ok, i got a question, as i am getting closer and closer to my surgery date i am getting more and more scared that somthing is going to happen, like me die on the table or me get a staph infection, etc etc. is this normal, has anyone else felt this way? i have wanted this for so long, but now that it is almost here, i am scared to death!
I have a good idea how you feel. I think most of us who have had surgery, felt the same way as you do now. It is only normal for a person to be scared before having surgery. You will be fine. If you trust your doctor and his staff, than you should get some peace from that. I don't want to offend anyone, but I got my peace of mind from God. I put my trust in Him and I knew that there would be no problems. Glory be to God, that everything was fine and I have healed wonderfully. Even though I am still healing inside, I have zero problems. Put your trust in God and He will take care of you.
Good luck and don't let your mind mess with you. I will pray for you today that God will bring you through this with no problems and that you will have a speedy recovery.
God bless you,
Tammy, I would be suspicious of you mental health and intellectual capability if you didn't feel scared or nervous now. It's absolutely normal. I think we all went through that period of excitement ,fear of what might happen, and hope for the best. I wish you best of luck in your surgery and recovery. I'm sure you will do great as most if not all of us here did. You will be in Loserville very soon. Hugs, rita
(((((((((Tammy)))))))))) I definitely felt the same way. I even tried to back out AFTER the surgery. (I didn't realize they had already done it. LOL) I knew my outcome was in the Lord's Hands WHATEVER the result, so I had a that promise and the peace that comes with it. At the same time, I sure did love some things about this life. No holier than thou here, Girlfriend! As long as I stayed focused on the Lord, I felt that peace. We will be here with you every step of the way!
Hi! Tammy
Don't worry about the surgery, you'll be fine! Just think, you're approved and its meant to be. I am now one year, 2mts out from 310lbs, size 26/28 to 152lbs size 8. Its easy to let fear sink in. Look at the bright side your life is just beginning & you won't believe the changes you are fixing to go through. Just remember to follow your doctors instructions, stay away from carbonated drinks they will stretch your new stomach. I have not had a soda in over a year, guess what I don't miss it. Take care & blessings to you and your new life. Karen